Chapter fifteen

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I couldn't believe it. Mizu actually left. After all we did together. I thought she loved me.

I wonder if she would die or if I'll see her again.

When I looked at the mess in the tea house of Madame Kaji and on the street I knew I couldn't just leave.

I walked to Madame Kaji and asked her:"I wanted to ask if there is anything we can do for you know? I'm offering to help you clean the house."

Her face softened slightly and she spoke with a more gentle tone:"That is very thoughtful of you dear, I will see what work I can get for you."

I bowed lightly as a thank you.

She gestured us to come inside and we made some light.

There wasn't blood everywhere so I'm sure we'll get it clean after two days.

~time skip~

We cleaned for one and a half days now and we where almost done with everything. Right now no costumers came so all of the girls who work here are free. Well not really they have to help. I realised I'm actually not that strong because the whole scrubbing made my bones arch after just one hour.

I noticed I still have the habit that my hands shake. It happens more often now and it caused me to spill tea or water while pouring it in.

At one point I couldn't even hold a cup without spilled and eating with my chopsticks was almost impossible. It felt frustrating.

Why did it it come back. Before this my hands shook from time to time but it never was this bad.

After two days it was not only my hands that would shake sometimes while standing my legs would shake too.

Maybe I was exhausted.

Once we where finished I sat down to rest when Madame Kaji approached me.

"Are you worried about the samurai?"

I just nodded, talking about Mizu made my eyes sting with tears.

"The way is long he couldn't be half the way."

I just startet to cry. Why? I could've helped her right?

I just felt Madame Kaji pet my head and rub my back to calm me down.

"You must be hungry, how about we go and make some food together?"

I hadn't clocked in some time. At home I was scared while cooking. One mistake and it could end up with a swilling cheek. She wouldn't do that would she? I mean I heard she can be heartless.

We went to a kitchen like room and she told me to cut the vegetables.

If I squinted my eyes and held my ears half shut she could be my mother. She told me the same things my mother did. The same cooking duty's I had to do at home. And right now it felt like home but I'm not sure if that's a positive thing.

The vegetables and the meat we cut was all put in a bowl with boiling water in it to make a soup.

But when I tried to put the onion in it it spilled.

I put my arms over my head in case she would hit me.

"Please don't hit me."

I didn't even know why I said that.

I felt gentle hands grab my hands and pull them down.

I just felt hot tears roll down my cheeks.

She cupped my face and turned me to look at her.

"I won't hit you. Never!"

"I don't know why I said that I'm sorry it must have been-"

Do I want to tell her about my past?

"I'm sorry."

Then she hugged me. Out of all things she could've done she hugged me. A thing only Mizu did for the past years.

But I felt safe with her and I don't know why.

I don't know how to write anymore.
Because I watched blue eye samurai again like the episode with the brothel and there where ant told what Ringo did while Mizu was away or was there if you know please remind me.

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