Chapter twenty

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She was laughing

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She was laughing.... I loved her laugh.
Even tho Mizu did pretty bad things her laughing was just so pure.

It reminded me of when she was a child, an innocent child that had to go through such cruel things. We were never apart except for one time, it was nearly a year.

Mizu and I went to Osaka and that's where I found this married couple, but of them in their fifties.
He was a doctor and his wife was a apothecary. We went there because Mizu was hurt and I didn't have supplies to treat her.

They were somewhat impressed of my skill and asked me if I wanted them to tutor me for a while. I declined, I couldn't leave Mizu now could I?

I was used to pushing my dreams away for her in some ways. Since I was twelve I dreamed of becoming a doctor, not that anyone would go to a female doctor but it was my dream. In the end I knew it couldn't become reality. I would never leave Mizu. I forgot about my dreams and helped her achieve her dream, wich was revenge. I wasn't strong I wasn't even able to carry wood or help with the steel when I was with master Eiji. I was always called fragile.

But with this couple....
Miko and Ken I just was myself.

I didn't need to put off strong, I was a girl learning to handle wounds and treat people. It was not that long maybe two years when Mizu came back.

Just that this time she wasn't herself,
she wouldn't laugh anymore or make jokes, she was silent. I knew she was a quiet person, she was comforting back then, but this was a pained silence. Something I wouldn't dare to describe.

But now that she was laughing I felt like she was her out self again. I couldn't help but tear up. How I long I wanted to sit and laugh with her.
I didn't even notice the big round tears rolling down my cheeks until I heard Mizu stop laughing.

I buried my face in my hands, no she can't stop laughing.
"What's wrong why are you crying?" She wiped away my tears trying to shush me but I just couldn't stop sobbing.

Third person POV~
Mizu was panicking, why was her love crying when she just kissed her and they were laughing?

She hugged the smaller girls head close to her chest stroking her hair and rubbing her back while whispering sweet and calming things to Aoi.
"Don't stop." Aoi said which her weak and cracking voice.

"Don't stop what?"

"Don't stop laughing, please don't be like that again."

"What do you mean? Like what? Aoi you are talking senseless stuff."

She pushed her head away so she looked straight into Mizu's eyes.

"It's not senseless Mizu! Remember when you came back after two years? Why were you this different back then? You where so happy and after two years you where a completely different person! And I tried everything to get you back, so you can laugh again but you wouldn't till now! So don't you dare stop laughing!"

Aoi was talking so much Mizu was left speechless, what should she answer now?

This isn't important but I wrote this in school because school is boring
Maybe there will be another chapter today who knows?
And please comment how you like this so far I'm thinking of writing a second book once season two is out or I'll make something up to continue. Because we are near the end of blue eye samurai because next would be the episode with the Shōgun so it's nearly over :(

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