From cravings to medical appointments

Start from the beginning

In a matter of minutes the duo arrived at their favorite cafe, where most of their omega's cravings were indulged, who in addition to his usual carrot cake had ordered a pair of croissant au chocolat and a slice of strawberry cake.

"You're going to eat all of that." Joshua was someone with a good appetite, but at ten weeks pregnant it seemed like his appetite had tripled.

Many of his dishes were shared with the lazy-eyed one, who despite not being a fan of sweet foods accepted every spoonful offered by the younger.

Joshua worked from his home on the new collection, creating some sketches while his alpha was focused on his laptop rereading some emails.

Jeonghan's cell phone started ringing, capturing the attention of the omega, who upon seeing the number of Seungkwan, Jeonghan's assistant, reflected on the screen, did not hesitate to call the alpha.

The older only took his cell phone to turn it off, earning a disapproving look from the younger.

"Are you not going to answer?" The omega's tone of voice said it all, Joshua was not stupid to ignore the fact that for a week the CEO had been avoiding calls from his secretary.

"Love, Shuji." He tried to soften the omega's mood, who continued with the same expression on his face.
"I didn't want to leave you alone, and... I want to be by your side in all the consultations, I don't want to miss even the smallest detail of our little ones' lives." It was impossible to get angry with Yoon Jeonghan when he acted like this.

"Hanie, pregnancy is not an illness, it is true that it is a delicate condition, but that does not prevent us from going to work." The raven-haired reluctantly left the laptop on his desk abandoned, joining his omega on the bed who with a tiny gesture invited him to approach the built nest.

"We have to continue fighting for what we want, and I am not going to allow you to leave aside your responsibilities as a CEO, nor those of a husband, much less those of a father, Hanie." Joshua explained softly, the lazy-eyed one was shaking his head lying on the omega's thighs while he accepted his defeat.

"Shua, I don't want to be a bad father." And he would never be, Jisoo said something similar out of inertia, he knew that despite being first-time parents Jeonghan would be a good father, every time he saw the alpha surrounded by children he seemed to understand them as if he spoke their language, it was impossible to miss how Jeonghan helped his younger sister take care of her son during their travels.

"I'm afraid of not being able to be by your side, I don't want a business trip to come between my family."

"And it won't, both you and I will enjoy this moment to the fullest." Yoon's heart shook with Jisoo's words, he never knew what he did to deserve such an omega who went beyond the perfect.

Stroking the CEO's dark, slightly long hair, Jisoo began to hum a lullaby that led them into the arms of Morpheus.

Neither of them clearly understood what the device showed while Dr. Lee-Choi alternated muttering the words "echolucid" and "echogenic." Jeonghan watched as his husband shifted somewhat uneasily as he watched the ultrasound transducer slide across his entire abdomen until stopping at his lower belly, in those moments Jeonghan strengthened his grip on the omega's hand, transmitting value between the two, discreetly trying to expel some of his pheromones to calm Jisoo, who instinctively relaxed after a few seconds.

"Well, are you ready for the news?" The obstetrician asked the couple who nodded excitedly, sharing a sweet look between them. After observing their reaction, the young doctor named Jihoon pointed to the ultrasound screen, telling the Yoon couple to look at it.

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