"And even  if it is so what?" Subham asked back.

Devdutta rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

"Mi lord you have to look at your actions and behavior which confirms that you are a husband obsessed with his wife, you cannot ignore this glaring evidence," Anannd said while pointing his fingers at Subham.  

 "Okay I plead guilty now let me finish my meal in peace." Subham refused to argue further with this group they just wanted to make fun of him so that's fine.

"Justice wins and the truth will always come out." Devdutta clenched his left fist to demonstrate victory.

"Shut your mouth and please grow up," Raghav said as he sat there waiting for them to finish their meals.

After lunch, Subham went out of the cafeteria where students from different colleges and universities gathered for lunch.

Mrinal was still standing on the line. Subham felt bad for Mrinal, it was past 1.30 pm and Mrinal hadn't eaten yet

"Let's talk later," Subham told his friends and went up to Mrinal.

Before he could speak to Mrinal he was stopped, "Excuse me young man can you explain what business you have with my students?" 

A lady over 50 came up to him and asked him sternly.

Before Subham could explain Mrinal explained, "Teacher he is my husband."

"Oh!" the teacher's tone instantly softened, but she still asked, "And what do you have to say to my student?" 

Subham was glad that the teacher was protective of his student, but would she allow him to go? He wasn't sure. "I want to take Mrinal to another cafeteria, with your permission of course." 

The teacher thought for a while and said, "Although it's no problem to allow it, I don't want my other students to feel discriminated against either. 

"We don't mind teacher!" her few students screamed as they giggled.

"Fine but give me your ID first." the teacher asked for Subham's ID before allowing him to let go of Mrinal.

Before leaving one of Mrinal's friends who also was a Twin grabbed his hands and whispered something in his after which Mrinal just shook his head.

"Where are we going?" Mrinal asked Subham as his hand was covered and held in Subham's hand.

"To another cafeteria, it's for the professor and higher staff mostly but students can also use it as long as they have money," Subham told Mrinal ignoring the inquiring gaze of others.

"This place is so big! We have to walk a lot everywhere." Mrinal exclaimed with a sigh.

"Are you tired? I felt it when we talked you were physically so exhausted, was it for this? What are you participating in?" Subham asked Mrinal.

"I was practicing so I was tired. I was only about to participate in folk dance but my teacher also insisted that I should participate in Yoga so two events."  Mrinal said as he walked leaning into Subham's arm. 

"That's impressive I didn't know you could dance too." Subham held his arms and praised Mrinal as they reached the cafeteria. 

The place was spacious and warm too Subham ordered Mrinal's lunch and sat down on a chair beside Mrinal.

"Do you want to take off your jacket? it's warm in here." Subham asked Mrinal as he reached out to take off his jacket before Mrinal could refuse.

Now without the jacket, Mrinal's cushion to sit on the chair was gone. As Mrinal sat on the chair his posture and face visibly became uncomfortable.

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