Darkness Rising Part 5

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Optimus Prime: Previously on Transformers: Prime

Megatron: Bravo, Optimus. You may wish to save your strength for the main event.

Arcee: We need to find Fowler and get thse kids out of here.

Jack: It's your fault we're stuck in this intensity. What were you thinking, Miko?

Raf: I know math when I see it, and that is one serious equation.

Jack: If this was just an average day with the Autobots, then I don't want to be a part of it.

Megatron: You're mindless agenda resulted in the disabling of my ship and the delay of my plans.

Optimus Prime: Megatron is building a Space Bridge to bring through his conqueing army.

Ratchet: But the only place Megatron could recruit that many fallen warriors...

Optimus Prime: Cybertron. We cannot allow Megatron to send Dark Energon through his Space Bridge. If we fail, the dead of Cybertron will rise, swarm through its vortex, and invade Earth. Bending human kind to Megatron's twisted rule.

Valt mind : well I better prepare go train with Valtryek  

Arcee: Nice bike.

Jack: Arcee, really, Miko already tried. Tell Optimus I respect him big time, but if you're at war with the Decepticons, there's nothing I can do to help.

Arcee: Optimus didn't send me and no one's asking for your help.

Jack: So if we both agree that I'm not warrior material-

Arcee: Jack, I just lost someone I cared about, maybe it's the gried talking, maybe you're growing on me. Whatever it is, I'm just not ready to say goodbye you and valt

Valt : hey jack 

Jack ; yeah valt 

Valt : I need to go medate ok I see you later 

Jack : ok see you later 

Arcee : Strange 

Jack : what's strange

Arcee :valt 

Jack : don't worry he's fine

now back with autobots

Ratchet: Optimus, I've pinpointed the location of Megatron's Space Bridge, high in Earth's orbit.

Optimus Prime: Out of our reach.

Miko: Okay, so you guys don't fly. But can't you just ground bridge there.

Ratchet: The ground bridge has limited range. Stretched all the way into orbit, its vortex could snap, and scatter us to the stars.

Optimus Prime: Since Megatron is likely already in transit, I'm afraid we must take that risk. Reaching the Space Bridge first is our only means of stopping him.

Jack: Hey, guess who's back.

Optimus Prime: Autobots, prepare for departure.

Arcee: where to?

Miko: The final frontier.

Jack: Space? I thought they didn't have any way to get there.

Valt : cool we go to space

Raf: They don't, really.

Jack: Be seeing you?

Raf: Be careful, Bee.

Miko: I'm so jealous.

Bulkhead: Don't even think of following me.

Ratchet: Optimus, if you leave me on a planet teeming with humans, I will never forgive you.

Valt aoi in Transformers primeWhere stories live. Discover now