C H A P T E R 37

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-Author pov-

"NO! Tell me when you're gonna come back first," Jungkook said from the top of the cupboard. Hobi sighed, rubbing his eyes in annoyance. Hoseok contemplated pulling one of his legs but then quickly dismissed the thought.

"Kook stop messing, give me the hoodie right now!"

"No! First tell me!" The stubborn maknae shook his head and placed the yellow Celine hoodie behind him. "C'mon, take it," he teased with a smirk.

Hoseok sighed heavily before leaving to pack the rest of his stuff.

"Keep the hoodie, I don't care. And for the record, you muscle bitch, I'm probably gonna be out for a week or two,"

Jungkook jumped down from his 'hidey' place with a fake gasp.

"Did you just swear? Jin Hyu-"Hoseok smirked, snatching the hoodie from him.

"Jin hyung isn't home, heh! He's gone with Joon to get the company car."

"Actually, Hoba, I'm right here." He jumped violently as Jin's voice rang from the living room. "And I'll forgive you this once because the company car isn't ready to be driven. We're gonna have to take the van. But then again, the van is out for repair."

Hoseok gulped feeling grateful for not being punished for swearing at Jungkook. Though, he glared at the youngster for dirtying his beloved hoodie.

"Nevermind, I'll take one of the VIP cabs. Is Yoongi hyung back? He went off to buy a present, right?"

"I'm here, and I couldn't get it... just buy something nice when you reach there Hoba"

Hobi sighed, he lowkey knew that his band members were doing it purposefully to make him not go. But Jung Hoseok was going to be on the plane to Venice today, no matter what happens! And that was final!

"Who's the present for, anyway?" Namjoon asked, entering Hobi's room and looking at the latter's air-pods wondering if he should hide them.

"You remember the couple at the flower shop we met that one time? We were in Venice for a few days for the shooting and there was this flower shop, you know, the old couple whose granddaughter Tae and Jimin were trying to hit on?"

"Ohh yeah, got it! You're buying a gift for the chick? But she w- ouch hyung!" Jungkook asked, earning a nice sharp slap from the eldest hyung. ouch

"Yeah, well watch out your words maybe!" Jin replied, glaring at him.

"Ah hyun-"

"Okay! I have had enough of you people! Get out, now!" Hoseok said, or rather, shouted politely.

"Yah! Are you shouting at your elders!" Seokjin asked with his hands on his hips. Hoseok sighed, swatting Yoongi's leg aside to fold his clothes. 

"No, Hyung, you know I won't do that... But I seriously need all of you to leave. I have to pack up and leave in about-" He checked his watch, "IN HALF AN HOUR! OUT ALL OF YOU! GET OUT!" he shouted, pushing Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon out first before coming back to drag the sleeping Yoongi out as well. 

"Hyung do you have t-'' Hoseok didn't listen. He closed the door on his face before he could complete his sentence.


"Oh! Hey Jimin!" Inha said, and Jimin walked in the shared apartment that Inha and Ivy lived in.

"Where's Vy?" he asked, walking in to find Ivy in the kitchen, she smiled at her bestie who also turned out to be her soulmate. What a fate.

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