C H A P T E R 26

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Author's Pov_

"No Ji- Jimin... y- you can't... faint n- now" the poor boy mumbles while his palms hit his cheeks, trying to hold onto the tiny amount of consciousness he had. Soon the blackness covered his vision and he felt his knees go weak.

And with a loud echoing thud, Jimin fell on the ground of a lonely corridor.


"Are you okay, eewie?" Taehyung gently asks, removing his jacket to give it to Ivy. He slowly rests the cloth on her shivering shoulders.

"Ivy-ahh I asked you something... I want you to talk to me.." Tae sighed, pulling the little girl into his warm embrace.

"I'm... fine.. I just need some 'me' time.." Ivy slowly mumbles, her voice barely audible.

"We'll think about leaving you alone later." Taehyung chuckled in a low voice, his lips curling up in a sad smile.

"Ahh" Ivy gets out of his embrace and clutches her head, groans and hisses in pain while she falls onto her knees. Her head was aching, especially on the left side. Soon her left elbow and knee started hurting too. And she knew it.... It wasn't her pain.

"What's wrong with you?" She mumbles to herself, questioning her partner who was destined with her because of her fate.

Her soulmate was a clumsy person, she knew it because of how her butt pains as if he falls down frequently. But this pain..? It was something more than the usual one, something which you feel after.... After... what? It was reaching her tolerance peak.

Ivy's body was on the cold ground, balled up in a foetus position to soothe the pain. Her head started to hurt less and the pain was almost gone.

"Ivy..? Ivy!?" Taehyung shook her body with tension clearly visible on his face.

The girl jolted up from her thoughts and her eyes met with Tae's worried one's. "I've been calling you! Which world were you in? Are you okay? Should we go get it checked?" Taehyung bombarded her with questions but Ivy dodged them.

She stood up, weakly straightening her skirt and dusting some dust off it. "let's go... others must be waiting." Ivy said simply and started walking, Taehyung followed her.

Pressing the button of the elevator, Taehyung stepped back waiting for it. A ding got them out of their thoughts, and both stepped inside the metallic box wordlessly.

The numbers decreased as they passed each floor, but the machine came to a halt and Taehyung's eyebrows crashed together. Ivy was about to take a step out of the elevator but he stopped her. "We are on the 7th floor, Jungkook's room is on the 5th... it's not our stop." He mumbles.

Feeling a small tug in his heart, he took a step forward, his hand pressed on the metal door, stopping it from closing. Taehyung's head peeped out of the elevator and he looked to his right.

"What are you doing?" Ivy asked, totally confused at his actions.

"If the lift stopped here, it might be that someone called for it... someone must be waiting..." he replied and his head peeked to his left now.

Taehyung's eyes squinted to pinpoint at what he was seeing. Looking at him frozen, Ivy walks out to see what Taehyung was looking at.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" She questions and Taehyung nods. Taehyung got down the lift too and the metallic doors closed with a robotic whiring.

Both of them walked towards the left to check whether what they saw wasn't some hallucination tricks played by their minds. Yes, it indeed was a person lying on the ground.

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