C H A P T E R 15

14 3 0

Inha pov_

"Let's set the table... dinner's ready." That's all Hobi said. Everyone looked at him weirdly as I felt a strange twinge in my chest. That soulmate of mine- I swear to god..

I quickly got up to help them set the table. Once all the dishes were set, I grabbed a few plates. "Taee, where is the kimchi mom sent??" I asked him from the kitchen.

"Upper shelf, right side!!" He said, Aish! Can't he walk here and help me find it!? I whined and started opening and closing the cabinets, standing on my tippy toes. Finally I found the familiar container and I tried reaching it.

"Fuck my height" I groaned. My fingertips were trying its best to grab the box but I failed miserably.

"You giants!" I groan out again. But soon another hand grabbed the same box effortlessly. I turned back and looked at the person I expected the least to see...

Jung Hoseok

His eyes were still as fierce as they were earlier in the hall, but as soon as I looked into them, they melted. His eyes turned soft and I felt weird things in my abdomen along with my heart beat raising.

That fucking bastard! I so badly want to kill him, that damn sun!

Hm, Inha? Is that what we're saying now? A tiny voice rang through my mind.

Shut up.

You could blame the heartbeat on your soulmate but what about those butterflies hm? There's no one you could blame.

Do you ever shut up?

Maybe I should. To let you have fun.


Hobi tilted his head a tiny bit, he did it so subtly, no one could have noticed. I gulped at our proximity as he looked down at me, finally noticing our position. Then, he froze. I have done this scene for movies before, but this... This feels so special, and I hate it.

I felt intrigued as his lips parted slightly. Unable to help it, I felt my gaze lower to his lips. But then I quickly looked up at him again, only to notice his eyes on my lips. His hands were above my head, and mine stuck in the air- well, not really. They were resting on his chest. And it felt fucking good. It felt oddly comfortable.

His eyes flickered over my lips again, mine following his. He leaned forward, very slowly. It made me feel itchy... for him. I felt my lips part on their own.

What are you doing Inha?

I didn't care. I felt weak at my knees, his hands alone seemed to keep me standing. He leaned even closer, I could feel his breath on my cheeks.

Don't do it, stop this.

His one hand goes to my chin, tilting it up. My eyes flutter close, A whole zoo forming in my stomach. He is so close now...

Inha stop this right now!!

Just a bit more..

"Inhaya~~" My eyes flew open, his own wide. I pushed him harshly and turned to face the cabinets. I'm not a vengeful person to the least, but I had a strong urge to bang Ivy's head as she entered the room with a bright smile. She stopped in the doorway, causing Jungkook to bump into her.

They looked at us, eyes squinted.

"What happened to you?" "Why are you there?" They asked at the same time. I followed their gaze. Hobi...

My eyes widened in surprise. There he sat, under the kitchen island. Guilt filled my whole being as I realised it was due to my action from before.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" I asked, going to his side. He smiled flatly, rubbing his elbow.

"I'm good," he said gruffly.

I doubt it.

Shut up.

= = = = = = =

Ivy pov_

My heart suddenly clenched with the scene in front of my eyes. Hobi was standing behind Inha as she stared at him. He looked down at her with a strange glint in his eyes. He lowered his head slightly, making me gasp.

What the hell are they doing?! Are they dating?! Why didn't they tell me?!

He tilted her head up towards him and she closed her eyes. And I left the kitchen, backtracking my steps as quietly as I could. Then, I cleared my throat, calling out her name while marching into the room with a smile, which made them flinch.

Hobi fell back due to the shock while his eyes were still sparkling the same way in the restaurant. I saw Inha walking towards him, which made me squint my eyes.

Before Inha could offer help, I dashed towards Hobi and stuck my own hand down, pulling him up onto his feet.

"Be careful dobi!!" An uneasy smile spread on my lips and I slowly dusted off the dust on his shirt. "Im fine eewi" he said, making me roll my eyes.

Hobi walked out of the kitchen followed by me, then Jungkook who was talking to Inha with the kimchi box which was the root of the whole stuff i saw.

We all sat down and started eating, while my mind played the same scene again and again like a broken cassette player. I shook my head slowly trying to get it out of my head.

My eyes fluttered as soon as I saw a piece of tteobokkie placed in my bowl. I looked at the owner of the chopstick and looked at dumpling-looking Jimin, who's cheeks were fully stuffed.

"Eat up!" He managed to say and I nod. I looked down again at my bowl, trying to erase the memory. What's wrong with you Ivy? I questioned myself and soon looked at Hobi, who attracted my attention towards him because of his laughter.

I looked at him, enjoying his meal with other members and a small smile crept onto my lips. The piece of food picked up by my own chopstick made its way into my mouth as I ate, listening to the story he was narrating.

Jimin pov_

As soon as an embarrassed Hobi, Ivy, Jungkook and Inha with flushed cheeks walked out of the kitchen, I felt a small tug in my heart. My soulmate.

The tug turned into a clench while we all sat down. Jin hyung served everyone's plates full with the dish made by Jungkook. I looked at the Ivy who sat beside me. She was staring into the thin air with her eyes as if she was fighting with herself.

This sight added more pain to my worsened chest. It felt as if a dagger was being pushed into my chest right through my heart. I couldn't stand this pain.

"Eat up!" I said, placing a tteobokkie piece into her bowl which made a smile come onto her lips. It seemed so... forced.

Suddenly, Jin hyung and Hobi hyung caught our attention with their maniac laughter. Ivy looked at them, with a small genuine smile taking over her.

Her eyes were lustrous even though the lighting in the room wasn't much. Her eyes shone as if she looked at the galaxy or the sky full of stars.

And in between those glittery stars, I layed lambently glowing, the moon... her moon.


Lovely Co-author; ivyB4winter

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~Inha Choi & Ivy Miles.

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