The End

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When Carmen opened up her eyes, she found herself locked in a room. She was expecting to be handcuffed, but she was able to stand up.
"J... Jules!" She noticed her unconscious body and her blurred mind remembered everything.
"Bullet...bracelets...kiss..." she muttered while running towards Julia's body. It looked like it stopped bleeding, but she had already lost a big amount of blood that it may be fatal.
Carmen was scared and had tears in her eyes. She hugged her girlfriend's body.
"Don't die... please don't..."
"It's my fault." She thought. "If only I didn't get Jules on my crew... If only..."
"Don't think the 'if only's." Julia opened her eyes.
"Jules!" Carmen gasped. "Are you...?"
"It's my right chest, silly. My heart is unharmed. " Julia chuckled, then grunted in pain. "I will hold onto life... for you."
Before Carmen could say anything, Julia kissed Carmen.
"J...Jules..." Carmen thought. "I wouldn't want our kiss to... be in such a bad place. I'm sorry..."
Then she felt Julia stroking her head and ignored the negative feelings. It was one magical moment they didn't want it to end.
But it ended as Chief unlocked the door.
"Chief." Carmen separated her lips from Julia's and stood up. She was trying to stand up, too.
"You stay there." Carmen said to Julia.
"My my." Chief looked at them with disdain and hate. "Sorry to interrupt the lovebirds."
"What the hell do you want?" Carmen growled.
Chief chuckled. "Carmen, dear, you're in no position to boss around. I have a few words to tell Julia first."
She walked and leaned down at her, ignoring Carmen, who was about to pick a fight with her.
"You are a clever girl." Chief started. "You are pretty and young too. You wouldn't be in this situation if you controlled your feelings. You wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't fall in love with a thief. So tell me, do you have any regrets? I will spare your life if you answer honestly."
"I don't regret anything." Julia answered. "Do whatever you want, I will never regret any moment I shared with Carm."
"You... called me Carm for the first time!" Carmen chuckled, then remembered Chief's existence. "But I will be happy later."
She looked at her. " Make way if you're done your bullshit."
"Hmm?" Chief raised her brows. "I'm not done my 'bullshit' until I arrest -
Carmen and Julia were shocked. Zari, who was Chief's loyal pet, had just hit her with a frying pan.
"Come on, we are going." Zari opened the door.
"Wait, w-what?" Carmen stammered.
"No time to explain. Just come."
"But how can we trust you?" Carmen asked.
"Do you have another choice?" Zari raised her brows.
"If you do anything to Jules..." Carmen lifted Julia up and started to walk after her.
"I won't." Zari sighed. "And... Um... sorry..."
They walked in her car, Carmen put Julia to the backseat and sat next to Zari, who started to drive.
She was surprised because of Zari.
"It's a.... creative choice. The frying pan." Carmen said.
"Inspired from my mother. She used to use one on my brother a lot." Zari laughed, the went serious.
"I will explain everything now. Are you listening?" She asked Julia, and she nodded, so Zari started to talk.
"It turns out Chief put some kind of medicine in our lunch to control us."
"What?" Carmen Julia shouted.
Zari sighed. "It can suppress positive emotions and turn a person to pure evil. And Julia knows how much I love the dessert part...." she blushed. Julia giggled.
"So you became even worse because you ate more, huh?" Carmen asked.
"I will try to control my appetite. By the way, the brains of VILE are arrested."
"What? How?" Carmen shouted.
"Chief got in an agreement with VILE. 'If you hide the murder I will commit, you'll get Carmen Sandiego.' she said. Of course, they didn't believe much, but they agreed Chief could stand a chance. That was the day I saw her putting the medicine in our food."
"What did you do?" Carmen asked. "Did she hurt you?"
"I didn't do anything and promised her that I wouldn't tell anyone. She let me go and told me to put the medicines in the food so she could go and ruin your lives. 
I nodded but didn't do as she said so. The medicine only had an effect for 4 hours, so our souls awakened one by one. Then I explained everything to them and we tricked them as you saw. Both VILE and Chief."
"You're a genius. Thank you." Julia smiled.
"You're welcome." Zari turned at her with her eyes teary. "Just... Just be happy, OK?"
Two "OK"s sounded as everything started to get better.
Sometimes happiness lies after convincing yourself you can find it.
Sometimes happiness lies after your tears, heartbreak, and disappointments.
You will find happiness... TRY to believe it.

Thank you for reading, comments, and votes. 😊 Goodbye!!!!
(Btw I'll upload another story named The Mask of The Flaws. If you want to have a look, it's about an ignored high schooler girl changing her life with "The Mask" by hiding her flaws)

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