When Someone Crosses Her Line

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"My dear coworkers!" Chief shouted to her agents she gathered up in the largest room they had in the building. "I have bad news. This girl (showed them a picture of Julia) betrayed us!"
There was a burst of noise because of gasps coming from agents.
"Hey, isn't that Argent?"
"But... she didn't seem to have the guts to do so!"
"I used to think she was nice!"
And many different comments from the agents.
"I know!" Chief said to get the silence back. "I know it's hard for you. She once was someone you called your coworker or your friend. But now, you must understand that she is an enemy. Until we see her corpse, I dedicate ACME to kill her!"
The agents that could win the award of the most fainted group  of the year forgot who they were and roared like lions.
Chase Devineaux's POV:
What... is happening? We used to use gas guns, which were unable to help us out, and now we are trying to kill Ms. Argent?
Before I could get used to this, Chief started to explain a lot of new things:
"You'll be separated into 2 groups as the ones dedicated to killing Argent and catching Sandiego. To make it clear, you'll wear different ties. Purple for Argent and red for Sandiego. Also, you'll get serious training. Your skills will come out clear during it, so you'll decide your weapon: bow, bullet, or sword. And you will get killed with your own weapon if you get caught showing mercy to the thief and the traitor."

I could hardly control myself to not shout. What kind of... jerk has Chief become in a few days? And she calls herself a leader or a good person?
The more ridiculous thing is that the others don't judge it even for a second.
Especially Zari,  she looks worse than a wolf, which didn't eat anything for a year but somehow managed to survive.
OK, I was so obsessed about catching Carmen Sandiego and acted like a fool, but... killing someone would never cross my thoughts.
What kind of madhouse am I in?

Carulia♡ Does Emotion Lose Always?Where stories live. Discover now