Chief's Anger

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"Are you sure?" Chief asked her agents. "Did you really see Argent with Sandiego?"
It was the fifth time she was asking this, so the agents were a bit bored, but they couldn't say anything in the name of respect.
"Yes, Chief." Zari said. "I hate to say this, but Argent was with Carmen Sandiego. We saw it with our own eyes." She looked at her coworkers for them to get her back, and the others nodded their heads.
"They were on a car when we started to follow them... then they jumped to a plane with the sea under. We would catch them otherwise."
"Hmm, of course (!) you would, Zari." Chief mocked her. "Leave me alone now."
It was the moment  Chief's hologram dissappeared.
"Damn you, Argent!" Zari groaned.
Zari really was angry, but her anger was nothing compared to Chief's.
Chief POV:
I stood silently for a few seconds with my head between my hands, and then I started to throw things to the floor. I was doing it without noticing it, and I damaged a few important files... Don't blame me, I have anger issues! 😞
Anyway, after that madness came and went, I fell to the floor. I was afraid of what kind of information Argent can give to Sandiego. I used to think that I was so lucky getting Argent on my side, but now, she was a dirty traitor.
"Chief?" Zari ran in. "Are you alright?"
"Zari..." I said and held her arm. "Sorry."
She sighed and sat on the floor next to me. "What are you apologising for?" she asked. "I would kill everyone who stood in front of me if I faced something like this." she looked at me with her green eyes. "Believe it or not, you're so strong. You better believe it, though."
"Thank you." I sniffed and hugged her. "You won't leave me, will you?"
"Aww, of course not!" she smiled and helped me to sit on a chair. People generally know Zari as a cold person, but she actually is really kind and helpful. She just doesn't show that side of her to everyone.
"I cleaned the files on the floor." she said after a few minutes."Thankfully, they're not too damaged."
"Thanks. You can leave. I kept you busy enough."
"No,no, it was nothing!" she smiled and walked to open the door. "Try not to care about the traitor, by the way."
"I don't care, Zari. Soon, she won't be in this world anyway."
Zari looked at me surprisingly.
"I'll kill her. There's no other way left."

Carulia♡ Does Emotion Lose Always?Where stories live. Discover now