Overdose Antidepressant

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"It's impossible, I can't decide!" shouted Julia Argent, who's sitting on the sofa in her house. (She's alone, so no one heard)
It all started when she found herself sitting in front of Carmen Sandiego, and after that, she found the Magna Cartas on her seat. She was sure that it was no coincidence. But Chief and the whole ACME didn't believe her. After the accident happened in Stockholm, she lost all the trust she reached from Carmen Sandiego and ACME. Furthermore, she heard the agents arguing about her sanity. Honestly, even she wasn't sure about her own sanity too.
She took an antidepressant from the cupboard, then the second and the third
followed it. During all this time, she did not notice the note under the pill: "Do not use more than one in a day."

Next day
Julia's POV:
I don't want to wake up, but I have to. So I got up. I know what will happen today:  Chief will talk to me about I must concentrate and keep being perfect also she'll add I'm the best in ACME. She doesn't care about me. (Like everyone does) She just wants to catch Carmen Sandiego and force me to be her pet,this means I must say yes to anything she says. No way. Also, I'll try to stand to see the others stop talking when they see me. And I'll try not to cry in ACME. But when I lock my house's door, I'll let my tears. And... I'll take antidepressant... I'm not sure it makes me feel better. OK, it doesn't. But I have nothing else to do.
I let everyone down. Everybody hates me. Everybody.

No one's POV:
Julia pushes the duvet away and gets up. She feels headache, but she ignores it. It gets harder when she arrives at ACME.
Chief notices it too, but she doesn't say anything because if she says something, she'll have to let Julia go home and rest. And she can't let anyone, ACME needs all of the agents in the field. But Julia starts to look worse second by second.
"Are you alright, Argent?" asked Zari
Julia just nodded as yes. At that moment, Zari's pen started to ring. She let it down, both Julia and Zari got up. Chief appeared, she started to talk: "Agents," but at the very moment Julia fell down. She was fainted.

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