The Break-Out

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     Before dawn, Prince Hira'a, accompanied by his loyal bodyguard Dian, sneakily approached the Capital city prison where the water tribe members and Princess Kalini were held captive. Overhearing soldiers and officials, Dian learned about the demise of some water tribe members and the confinement of individuals like Lua, Kalini's best friend, who were isolated and questioned in the basement. They disguised themselves in red royal cape-like robes adorned with the fire nation's insignia to blend in yet draw attention as they navigated toward the prison entrance. Approaching the prison, they waited cautiously for a moment to strike. When a soldier left his post, they swiftly incapacitated another, Hira'a distracting him with his royal status while Dian subdued him from behind, seizing his keys and a layout of the prison. With haste, they maneuvered through the halls, dodging patrols until reaching the staircase. Dian handed Hira'a the key to Kalini's cell, smirking as he pointed out its location. "She's in the middle ring," Dian whispered, his smirk evident in his tone. "You didn't," Hira'a replied dryly, a flicker of amusement crossing his features. "You're very familiar with that cell. Can't miss it," Dian chuckled softly, memories flashing through Hira'a's mind of his own youthful exploits. Interrupting his reverie, Dian declared, "I'm off to find Lua and the others. Get your princess and meet me at my cabin," Dian said before darting towards the basement.

As Hira'a ascended the staircase, contemplating his next move, he pondered what to say to Kalini once he found her. It wasn't long before he reached her cell, incapacitating two guardsmen along the way. Peeking through the cell doors, he spotted Kalini lying in bed, facing the wall. Without hesitation, Hira'a unlocked her cell, only to be met with Kalini jolting up, revealing she was never asleep. Though she couldn't see him yet, she whispered, "H-Hira'a?" her voice filled with relief. Hira'a embraced Kalini tightly, his heart breaking at the sight of her vulnerability. Pulling away, he took hold of her hand, urging, "Lini, we must go now." As he attempted to lead her away, she pulled back, demanding, "L-Lua. Where's Lua?" "Dian, my bodyguard. He will find her. But Kalini, we mu-" His words were cut off as Kalini began to raise her voice. "Where. Is. Lu-" She was silenced by Hira'a, who covered her mouth as a guardsman patrolled past her room.

Once the guard moved away, Hira'a spoke in a hushed tone, "Please." He began to remove his robe. "Put this on and don't let anyone see you. I'll see what's taking Dian so long." He helped Kalini into his oversized robe, her head bowed under its weight. "Wh-where do I go?" she questioned, struggling with the garment. Hira'a chuckled softly and lifted her chin. "There's a cave opening on the side of this mountain. Try to get there and stay put."  As Hira'a dragged Kalini by her hand out of the cell, they parted ways. Kalini headed towards the staircase leading down to exit the prison, while Hira'a made his way to another staircase on the opposite side, heading straight for the basement. Meanwhile, Dian had just finished subduing the four guards outside the cell holding some water tribe members. Peering into the cell, they could hear the groans of injured men and women, but it was too dark to see inside. They looked at each other, and Dian said to Hira'a, "I have to go in and search for her," as he began to pull and tug at the door. "There are no key rings on the guards," he finished before finally kicking the cell door in. He was very strong, capable of destroying a material as strong as metal. "Who needs a lock and key when we have your size thirteen," Hira'a quipped before crouching down and crawling through the gap in the door, with Dian following behind.

As they stood and towered over the bodies of the water tribe members and officials, they caught sight of a purple and blue tunic in the far left corner of the prison, the body facing away from them. Dian sighed as he walked closer to the body, unsure if it was Lua or if the person was even alive. As Dian went to turn the body over, a gasp filled the air. They turned to see Kalini in the massive red royal robe with the hood down, staring at Dian and the body. "L-Lua..?" her voice cracked and shook as she stared at the body. "Hira'a.." Dian said in a coded manner. Hira'a snapped his focus to Kalini and tried to grab ahold of her, but she pushed him away as she stumbled towards the body. She glared at Dian, who immediately backed away as she began to turn the body towards her. Her face dropped, expression widened and she grew pale as she saw Lua's face, covered in burns and scars. She nearly screamed from grief as she dropped her head onto Lua's chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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