Chapter Fifteen

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"HOW DO YOU KNOW?" Cassidy asked. The daughter of Demeter tilted her head "Trees. It's like... I can hear them growing" That didn't make any sense to Cassidy but it wasn't anymore nonsensical than the rest of their life so why not. "Sing like you did before" Meg urged, turning to Apollo.

"I- I can't. My voice is almost gone" Apollo shook his head. The queen snapped at the trio, a warning shot, telling them to back off. A few feet closer and Apollo's head would have rolled in the dirt. That was enough motivation for him to atleast try. He burst into song, or rather, he did the best he could with the raspy voice that remained. Much to the surprise of everyone in the room he began to rap and did some footwork.

The queen arched her back in confusion. Apollo shot Meg and Cassidy a 'Help me out!' look. Meg shook her head immediately. Cassidy hesitated but went along with it, half heartedly echoing Apollo's raps. He launched into a song about mothers though he'd obviously switched out some of the lyrics.

In that moment Cassidy decided that in all his demigod years rapping to a giant ant queen with Apollo was by far the strangest thing they had ever done. And that was saying something because they had convinced Nyx that there was a tartarus tour and she wasn't on the brochure. Apollo was clearly doing the most, even when Cassidy tried to put more effort into the song. Other than having Apollo's powers (which they didn't) they also needed emotion in the song which Cassidy found difficult to summon as they had never been close to their mother. The only thing there was mutual hatred. No, thinking of Alice Raven wouldn't work.

Cassidy tried to direct their thoughts in a different direction, to a kind smile and warm food when they'd need it. She had been the one who'd make special food in bright purple specifically for Cassidy. Her home served as a refuge anytime Cassidy was scared or upset. They channelled their adoration for Sally Jackson into the song. Sally Jackson had been there everytime in ways Cassidy's mother never had or would.

The queen's antennae quivered. Her head seesawed back and forth. When Apollo was done, he dropped to one knee and held up hus arms in tribute,
waiting for the queen's verdict. Cassidy hesitantly followed suit. Meg stood very still, gripping her swords.
The queen shuddered. She threw back her head and wailed. She sounded more brokenhearted than angry.

She leaned down and gently nudged Apollo and Cassidy's chest, pushing them in the direction of the tunnel they needed. Cassidy immediately stiffened at the cool touch of her face. "Thank you. We're sorry about the ants I killed" Apollo croaked. "Yeah um, were really sorry about your kids" Cassidy said. In truth they weren't sorry at all but the giant myrmereke didn't need to know that. The queen purred and clicked. Cassidy took that as a good sign.

Apollo stroked the queen ant's forehead. "May I call you Mama?" He asked. Cassidy raised an eyebrow, that wasn't something they had to do right? Ofcourse they didn't doubt that this ant would make a better mother than their biological one but that was beside point. The queen's mouth frothed in a pleased sort of way. "Apollo, Cassie" Meg urged "Let's go before she changes her mind" Cassidy had the suspicion that she wouldn't change her mind but they certainly wouldn't stick around to find out.

The myrmereke queen watched as they edged around her clutch of eggs.
Then they plunged into the tunnel and saw the glow of daylight above them. When Cassidy reemerged on the other side they were glad to see daylight again. They were no Apollo kid and they certainly didn't hate underground places as much as their friend Aiden but they preferred it up in the open sky.

Unfortunately they stepped out into a killing field. It was a glade littered with bones. Most appeared to be from forest animals. Cassidy spotted a few human bones as well. They guessed that it was the myrmekes dumping site. The clearing was hemmed with trees so thick and tangled that traveling through them would've been impossible. Over their heads, the branches wove together in a leafy dome that let in sunlight but not much else. Cassidy now realised what Pete had meant.

Madness's Melody | Apollo / Lester PapadopoulosHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin