Chapter 8: The Truth Behinds His Past

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One day when I was in my crib wonder something and realize a certain realization. I found out that the new big brother of mine Hikaru Kamiki is the serial killer to both the protagonist mother and some other famous women actresses. Feeling scared for a moment of the thought, I perceived that the the current time of meeting him was not the phase of him being a psychopath until he pass to a certain point of his emotions and kills somebody who gets in his way of his unknown plan. To be honest I did not literally reads many Oshinoko chapters in a manga and just knows a little bit of it and not the others because I don't had that interest.
I thought of an idea that I should protect this innocent boy to that pervert of an actress, Airi Himekawa although he was already been touched by that creep.

I thought of an idea that I should protect this innocent boy to that pervert of an actress, Airi Himekawa although he was already been touched by that creep

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I was determine to protect him and free him from his chains of traumas. Because of that actress he should have lived as an actor and lived up to his dreams and passion.

" Therefore, I hate that actress but it would be better to expose that woman no matter what! "I think to myself.

But in this time he already impregnated AI's children, Aqua and Ruby Hoshino. Regretting myself in not being born before the unfortunate  happening happened to him. I cried and the reason why i cried is because of him. And thought that I will definitely expose her no matter what thinking it again in a second time. While crying again, my mother notice in a half asleep state and comfort me after.

" shhh~, don't cry." she said in a loving voice.

I stopped crying and continue to sleep again

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I stopped crying and continue to sleep again.

To be continue~

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