|| Trayodasha- Clearing the Confusion ||

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Arjuna sat on the boulder outside of the hut, his eyes unmoving from his fiddling hands in his lap, his head rested against the Ashvattha tree in the backyard.

His mind and heart were restless since the day Maharshi Vyasa had arrived, taking them by shock, while his words left lasting effects on his and his brothers' thought processes.

The five haven't talked much regarding that topic in the last two days, and they knew that they would want to think properly, and sort through their own thoughts and muses before they spoke to each other, but Arjuna knew the time was not too far when they have to converse regarding their marriage.

The third son of Kunti shut his eyes as he gripped on the deerskin he donned, trying to calm his breath.

He noticed how perturbed his brothers were, and so was he, but he had more clarity than his brothers, but it was snot easy for him to witness them like this, drowning in pools of confusion.

But Arjuna felt like he knew everything, yet he knew nothing.

He knew, and understood the gravity of Vyasa's words just by the conviction and confidence he displayed as he narrated them what their course of action must be, but to not be puzzled was something that is not possible at that moment, and Arjuna understood that.

Destiny might tie Krishnaa together with the Pandavas, but it was important that they were ready for it too. Nothing happens without a reason, but it was important to also understand the reason before blindly trusting anything. And the situation was such, that there was no chance of contacting Krishnaa, and letting her know of this situation before her Svayamvara, because that would be disastrous and illogical to even think of.

Arjuna straightened up immediately as he felt his eldest brother's palm on his shoulder. As he glanced at him, he noticed how hard he was trying to control his tears from falling down his cheeks, and the soundless sniffles were obvious to his brother who knew him like the beat of his heart.


"This is not sinking into me, Anuja. I will be very honest about it, but I'm unable to convince myself and bring myself to believe that we have to have this arduous polyandrous marriage. Is that even a thing that can be accepted? If it was not Dharmic, then Pitamaha would not have suggested it to us. But even if it is abiding by Dharma, even then, there would be consequences that us, and more importantly, Rajakumari Draupadi must face. And our resolution was to provide justice to all, and I wouldn't spare myself if any injustice happens to the Princess. What do we do, Partha?"

Arjuna immediately pulled his elder brother into a hug, but he could also feel Yudhishthira pat his own back, paternal love oozing out of him for his younger brother, and that caused the former to smile through his tears.

"Jyeshta, you are already serving justice by considering and thinking from Krishnaa's perspective already. And, until we actually find ourselves in the situation of marriage, we cannot determine how the  events will turn out to be, we can only have imagination regarding it. And Krishnaa would be having a Svayamvara, like she herself mentioned, and like the Brahmana too mentioned. So until and after the Svayamvara takes place, we cannot decide upon anything. And....and the Svayamvara...it is in less than a Paksha, there is not many days for it. And the contest is an archery contest, and that would mean that we must go to the Svayamvara, like we planned to do unconsciously before itself."

"But what would the society think, Arjuna? It would be absolutely unfair if Rajakumari Draupadi has to face this, she surely would not be anticipating something as big as this! And you.. and you and Princess, you know what I am talking about, Arjuna!"

"Bhrata, society has always something or the other to say. And so do the people of Panchala and Kuru, they too will have their opinion. But that doesn't change anything for us or Krishnaa, Bhrata, because only we six are in this situation, and the society and the people will not be aware of all the nuances and aspects that went into this decision. And, we too will not be doing anything without Krishnaa's assent, Bhrata. And I know that you too wish for the same. This phase is arduous, and is absolutely confusing, but I trust in us, Jyestha, and I trust Krishnaa. Nothing will go wrong, and nothing will go against Dharma! This is Mahadeva's decree, Jyeshta, that is what Pitamaha Vyasa has told us. Trust in Ishvara, nothing could go wrong!"

Yudhishthira stared at Arjuna as he let the information seep deep into him. He knew his brother's nature, and he too understood that Arjuna was as apprehensive and as confused as he and his other four brothers were, but his belief was so strong, that he won over them easily, and faster than the others. And that was because he was much more accustomed to Krishnaa's nature and understood her like no other person, but he also understood, and knew what was going on in another, deeper, conscious level that he did not have yet. Yudhishthira had a few aspects cleared, and he understood that until everything happened, there will not be a proper conclusion to his quandary, but he too, had a flicker of hope light up in his heart, and his devotion for Mahadeva aided him in the same.

"Then we must leave for Kampilya soon, Arjuna. We have delayed because we were puzzled, but we must begin our journey towards Panchala's capital soon. That would be our best decision in this juncture!"

Arjuna nodded his head in assent, as he moved towards his other brothers along with Yudhishthira, his consciousness trying to understand what was their next course of action.

His comprehension could not go wrong, but he also needed to know Krishnaa's wishes, and what she felt was right. Hence, her input, and her decision would be of the highest priority, which they would find out once the right time will arrive, despite knowing that there was going to be a wave of change in his life ahead.


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