|| Dasha- Celebration and Unity ||

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Soft morning rays of the Brahma muhurta hit Arjuna's sleeping figure, who was deep asleep on the pedestal of the Brahmana's dwelling, and with the morning sunlight on his face, he turned and twisted, a small, adorable little smile playing on his face

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Soft morning rays of the Brahma muhurta hit Arjuna's sleeping figure, who was deep asleep on the pedestal of the Brahmana's dwelling, and with the morning sunlight on his face, he turned and twisted, a small, adorable little smile playing on his face.

Waking up, he rubbed his eyes as he walked into the backyard of the house, and finding Nakula and Bhimasena immersed in sorting out the required pieces of wood for their Agnihotra, Arjuna walked upfront, outside the compound of the hut, towards the flowing stream of the Ganga.

Panchala was situated on the north side of the Ganga that was to the north of Hastinapura, and the stream near the Brahmana's home was a distributary of the same Jahnavi. A sense of peace and calmness prevailed in Arjuna's heart as he stepped into the chilly waters of Ganga, that were colder than the usual due to the month of Marghashira that was almost coming to an end.

A smile curved on Arjuna's soft lips as he offered his oblations to the gods and his ancestors. Taking a dip into the stream, he felt his senses relaxing down almost immediately, while his muscles loosened, the coldness seeping into his senses. His connection with the river was intimate, as he had spent a few countless, yet the most memorable memories with Krishnaa on the river bank during his trip to Panchala, and his mind automatically recalled all the memories in a snap.

The waves of the Ganga which were soothing like a balm, reminded him of Krishnaa's serenity. The fierceness with which the river flowed also reminded him of the regal fierceness in Krishnaa's heart that blazed like the flames of a fire, while the sweetness of the river water too reminded him of Krishnaa alone, like the flowing sweetness of her words which were the comfort to his heart.

Arjuna enjoyed the solitude that he found, and he moreover enjoyed the joy he extracted from thinking about the sister of Dhrishtadyumna who was the embodiment of his joy.

But a sudden clamour shook him out of his reverie, and he walked out of the flowing river, tightening his deerskin over his body as he rushed out into the sun, allowing himself to dry, as his ears, as sharp as the elephants, caught the noises coming closer towards their home, alarming him.

He was shocked why there was such a huge group of people, men, women and children, and of all groups and clans arrive at the threshold of the Brahmana's home, and that made him take concerned steps towards the place.

"Bhrata, what is going on here?" Arjuna's voice gradually declined at the end of the sentence as he noticed the graveness on the features of his brothers, Yudhishthira and Vrikodara as he joined them, and his eyes widened at the words of the other man who was conversing with the house owner.

"Mahodaya, we are gladdened beyond explanation! We, the villagers had calculated whose turn it was to offer themselves at the hands of the asura Baka, and we have realised that it was you! And that means, that you or someone that you know had put an end to that demon's evilness! Who was it?"

The Brahmana, who provided the housing for the Pandavas, shared a glance at Bhimasena, who nodded at Yudhishthira, and that was an indication for the Brahmana to conceal the Pandavas' identity.

"Arya, it was a tall, fair, Brahmana who had saved us and our village from that demon! He is no less that Mahendra in valour, and he had killed that demon Bakasura like Mahendra put an end to Vritra! It is all his glory and his courage that saved us and our entire village of Ekachakra!"

Arjuna stifled a giggle as Vrikodara smiled secretively, and the people began cheering and praising the unnamed Brahmana who saved them and their dear ones from inevitable death.

"Oh Brahmana Mahodaya, it is also your turn to offer yourself, but you turned that adverse situation into a flourishing future for not only you but all of us too! We need to celebrate this day!"

The expression of elation and delight was obvious in the man's tone who began bouncing in joy. All the villagers who accompanied him, too, began to display their joy as they began singing the praises of the Brahmachari who saved them, as festivity and happiness spread through the air contagiously.

"Hero you are, my valorous brother, Vrikodara!" Arjuna jested, smirking at the second son of Pritha, who only elbowed Arjuna into the stomach, causing him to make a dismayed face that caused Bhimasena to bellow, though he hushed himself to avoid any attention.

He smacked the back of Arjuna's head, who just stuck his tongue out as the intensity of the smack reduced with the thickness of Arjuna's curls, and Bhima just messed up the same hair, causing the brothers to break into chuckles.

"But you are my hero, Bhrata.."

Bhima suddenly turned his head, only to find Arjuna hang from his shoulder, causing Bhima to pat his head softly.

"What happened suddenly, Phalguna?"

"Overwhelm, Bhrata. If not for you, I do not know how we all would've gotten through this phase. You were protecting us the whole time, and every time through this year. And that can't be neglected, Bhrata. You've been at the forefront of us brothers and stood like the mighty fortress, guarding us thoroughly throughout. And that needs to be appreciated, Agraja, for you have not only guarded us, but an entire village of Ekachakra here!"

Bhima patted his head more, and Arjuna snuggled into his brother even more, while Yudhishthira, Nakula and Sahadeva shared adoring glances to his brothers, who stood farther away from the chaotic group of people who were immersed in celebration.

All the Pandavas wanted, was this unity to be forever, and all of them knew, that in any situation, it was unbreakable. Their bond was such, that it would only strengthen by time, experience and situations, and nothing could alter it.


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