Author's Note

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IT'S COMPLETE! T-T The first idea I had for this novella series is finished and it feels so surreal. Now, there's only one more left for me to complete before this ONC season is over :)

I'd like to thank a few people for reading along while I've been updating and help keeping me motivated throughout this ONC! sandydragon1, EverythingsNothing, MiniMoxx, Oxviola, Silverdawn284, PathSojourner, MilaForLife, rinaXhazurina

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I'd like to thank a few people for reading along while I've been updating and help keeping me motivated throughout this ONC! sandydragon1, EverythingsNothing, MiniMoxx, Oxviola, Silverdawn284, PathSojourner, MilaForLife, rinaXhazurina. Thank you all so much <33

Please check out the amazing people above! They all have amazing works of their own and some of them are also participating in this year's contest :D

Thank you to everyone else who decided to pick up this story too! To all the silent readers and those who voted only once or twice. The thought that people want to pick up this story even though they're not in any book club is very heart-warming <3 I appreciate the time you took to get here!

 The thought that people want to pick up this story even though they're not in any book club is very heart-warming <3 I appreciate the time you took to get here!

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This novella is, of course, in its first draft and needs some serious editing. Like a lot of editing XD There are scenes that I want to rewrite completely, plot holes I need to fix and descriptions I need to mend. I hate chapter ten with a passion and I'm looking forward to tearing it apart. If you have any constructive criticism to give please feel free to let me know! If you have the time, I would also very much appreciate you answering a few questions below <33

- Who was your favourite character and why?

- Who was your least favourite character and why?

- What was your favourite scene?

- What was your least favourite scene?

- Is there anything you found confusing throughout the story and would like me to explain more?

- Is there anything you would like me to expand upon? (Whether it be world-building, characters, or anything else)

- What are your overall thoughts about the story?

Once ONC is over and my brain is no longer fried, I plan to expand An Order of Death a little bit

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Once ONC is over and my brain is no longer fried, I plan to expand An Order of Death a little bit. It will still remain a novella but I'll probably add a few scenes worth of extra plot. I know I want to include parts of Tae and Oryal travelling back to the village, but I don't know exactly what they'll hold yet :p This version was so short because I wanted to get all three of my entries finished in time.

 I know I want to include parts of Tae and Oryal travelling back to the village, but I don't know exactly what they'll hold yet :p This version was so short because I wanted to get all three of my entries finished in time

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To be added

ONC 2024 Round 2 Ambassador Pick

ACHIEVEMENTSONC 2024 Round 2 Ambassador Pick

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An Order of Death | ONC 2024Where stories live. Discover now