Chapter One

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Never in my life had I wanted to stuff a poison-laced tart into a client's mouth more than I did now. A nice meringue and belladonna berry filling, topped with an azalea flower as a garnish, would do the trick. Either the woman — her skin withered and worn from the trials of time — would choke on the confection as she hurled insult after insult. Or, the pastry would take its course in a matter of hours.

"And, I'll have you know, whichever poison you used in my last order barely took effect!" The woman waggled her cane in the air as she leant on the front desk for support. Magic thrummed from the warped stick, veins of purple visible between the wood. "I thought I would have to finish them off myself until they all finally keeled over." Pointed ears stuck out from underneath her tousled, silver hair, the ends of them adorned with small, star-shaped jewels.

Unlike other bakeries around the kingdom, Deathly Delights was located in a small, dark corner of Yuris so our business could exist under the noses of guards who would try to shut us down. Instead of the normal beautifully decorated cakes and perfectly crisp pastries, ours had venomous fillings and toppings that were certain to take the life of whichever poor soul that ate them.

"I'll be sure to make your next order extra potent," I replied with a forced smile etched into my lips. Hopefully, if I made the poison strong enough, it would seep into her skin and take her out too.

"You better! Or else I'll find a fire enchantment and burn this bakery to the ground!" She crossed her arms with a scowl, one that I very much wished I could return, revealing several potion bottles under her cloak held in place with a belt around her waist. "When are your parents returning, child? They did a much better job at delivering orders on time than your pathetic attempt."

I swallowed my curses that would get Deathly Delights its first glance at the fiery wrath of a customer. A few years ago, my parents had left me in charge of their bakery so they could travel and explore neighbouring kingdoms. Finding new recipes and poisons to try out had filled them with so much excitement that they left without much forethought, hoping that my childhood of helping them out in the kitchen and the front desk would be enough experience.

As much as I loved baking every day, getting to smell fresh delicacies in the morning and decorating the cakes with new designs, the mountains of orders stacked up across the kitchen counters were enough to drive a permanent headache into my skull. My parents loved Deathly Delights, pouring every piece of their souls into helping the bakery thrive. However, leaving as soon as their business started to boom was not one of their best ideas.

"They'll be back as soon as they're ready." The corners of my mouth were beginning to hurt with the false grin that had been pulling them through a good half hour of complaints.

"For your sake, that better be soon." Finally, the woman turned around to leave, making her way towards the exit. "I'll be back next week for my regular order!" she called on the way out. The silver bell above the door chimed to mark her departure.

As soon as her figure disappeared from the front windows, my features slipped back into normalcy and I slumped against the counter. Why me? Why did I have to put up with the rudest people in Yuris?

I had attempted to hire someone to help me out a few months back so I could simply stay in the kitchen baking. A girl that could be trusted not to spill the secret of our business to a royal guard. Someone who was smart enough not to poison herself with the ingredients lying around on the flour-dusted counters. Unfortunately, she disappeared a few days into the job and never returned.

I stood and pulled my crimson hair into a low ponytail, the curled strands reaching to my lower back. Perhaps adorning the fresh, cyanide cookies with chocolate frosting would put me in a better mood.

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