𝕮𝖍.2'𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙'

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✦•···········• 𝐂𝐡

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✦•···········• 𝐂𝐡.𝟐'𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭' •···········•✦

April 2015, Midtown School of Science and Technology

It was lunch time, Peter, Ned and Andrianna were in the canteen peacefully having lunch. While the trio was busy talking many other students were looking at Andrianna and secretly clicking photos of her. She was used to it now. Since it was revealed that Tony Stark has a daughter, every single news channel broadcasted it. Once her video of 2012 went viral in which she was fighting beside the Avengers and after the incident of the previous year everyone got to know that she was that child.

Most of her classmates kept on asking weird questions about her father, powers, secrets of the Avengers, their phone numbers, this always made her frustrated. There was an incidence in which she once lost control. Thankfully she was alone in the bathroom and no one got hurt. The whole bathroom was burnt and Tony had to pay the price for the damage that she caused.

The trio was almost done with their lunch when they got interrupted by Eugene Thompson, who was also known as Flash. He had tried to make Andrianna his friend which she agreed with a disinterested face but later refused when she got to know that he was a bully.

"If you have come to bully Peter, I kindly request you to leave." Andrianna warned him.

"Oh no no no. I'm here to talk to you." She raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a sarcastic look. "Why would the great Flash Thompson come here to talk to a 'lowlife' like me."

Flash's yes widened when he realised that she knew about that incident. Peter looked at Andrianna with a shocked face. He never told her about that incident because he knew what she was capable of when she became angry. Flash had been bullying him since the time he joined the school but when he became friends with Andrianna he never used to bother him as he wanted to be at Andrianna's good side. But yesterday just after the school ended Peter bumped into Flash by mistake because of which Flash's new sunglass fell from his hand and cracked, causing him to lash out at Peter. That was when he called him that.

Peter looked at Ned who was avoiding his gaze and instantly knew that he was the culprit. "I-that-I didn't mean t-It was just-I-was joking." Flash stammered as Andrianna's eye colour change from light blue to fiery yellow. "Apologise." She said in a cold voice. The temperature dropped and cold sweat formed at base of his neck. "I-I-I'm so-sorry."

"Not to me..." She pointed at Peter, "To them."

Flash stood rooted to the ground his ego wouldn't allow him to do that. Andrianna stood up as Flash took a step back. Some unknown force was keeping him rooted at his place. She picked the fork that was kept at the table and in a matter of second brought towards his face stopping just a centimeter from his eyes. "Anna!" Peter shouted at the same time. The invisible force was gone as Flash fell backwards, he got up while stumbling and ran straight to the principle's office.

Andrianna turned to look at Peter who was looking at her with disappointed eyes. That made her more frustrated, " Don't give that look Parker. Did you really thought that I would hurt him. I was just scaring him so that he would stop bullying you. I warned him many times but he didn't listen."

"That's not why I'm upset." Peter pushed his spectacles up and looked at his schoolmates. They had cameras in their hand and were recording the scene. He gently grabbed her hand and took her behind the school building, while Ned was left there alone and confused.

Andrianna jerked her hand away from him when they reached the backside of their school. It was an isolated area which the seniors used for smoking. The smell of cigarette was very much present making Peter scrunch his nose in disgust. Cute. As soon as that thought came in her mind she dismissed it.

"You have to stop getting angry in every situation Anna. It was no big deal. I am used to people calling me names. You don't have to fight for me everytime, I can handle things on my own."

"Yeah like you did the day we met." Peter shook his head. "That's a different situation. It is not possible to fight every battle sometimes its okay to turn back for the greater good. We can't always go around and hurt the ones who are wrong, sometimes taking helps and sometimes ignoring. Other wise there would be no difference between a hero and a villain."

"Well sorry to break it to you but I ain't no hero. I don't save innocent lives I just punish the ones who did wrong. I stop people from doing something which is morally questionable and for that I am ready to got to any lengths. You don't know a thing about me Parker. All you guys think is that I was born with a golden spoon but you are very wrong. You don't even know one percent of me and honestly I'm tired of faking myself. Of being someone that I am not!" Tears formed at the corner of her eyes as Andrianna let it all out. She pushed him and continued shouting at him venting out all of her anger.

"Do you even trust me? I think that you don't. Since the day I stepped foot in this school as a Stark you all have been asking me various stupid questions. And now that I think about it you must have agreed to become my friend because you thought that I'm his daughter. T-"

"That's not true. I ne-"

"Oh please. Drop the act. Don't pretend. You yourself said that you are a big fan of Iron Man and constantly asked me to let you meet him. But you know what. He is not as you think. He is not a hero but an egoistic man who keeps on boasting about his wealth. And he'll never agree to meet a lowlife kid like you. You think that just because you are an orphan you can get sympathy from people around you and use it for your advan-" She was cut off as Peter pushed her and her back hit the wall. He was grabbing her collar and looking at her with teary eyes filled with anger.

"Don't go to my parents. Don't say that. At least not you." He let go of her and took a step back keeping his head low so that she can't see his crying face.

"Great so now you cry and shift all of the blame to me. Such a crybaby you are. Look at you Peter you are pathetic. And there is no place for such people in this world who can't even protect themselves. You'll just end up dead like you paren-"

"SHUT UP!" He yelled furiously while crying. "I thought of you as a friend but you are just like Flash, hell even he is better then you." Saying that he left the place with his shattered heart.

After he left, Andrianna entered the locker area still fuming with anger, not realising the grave mistake that she just made. She heard the principle asking for her but ignoring the call she took out all of her stuff from the locker and walked the whole way with angry steps to Tony's penthouse.

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Well... that escalated quickly. They just took a step forward then boom... and two steps backward.

I actually wanted to tell how much emotionally drained our Andria is. This has been her life every time she gains something she loses it. I wanted to tell that she is not broken but emotionally drained, and she vented it all out at Peter in a negative manner. For which I am definitely not happy, but they have just entered their teenager phase. So...

And I'm also sad about Peter, that was really heartbreaking. And for those who wanted to know when he will get his abilities. It will be in this act.

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