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"first impression matters the most my dear!"

A famous and well known quote which Chris always uses.

Hello and welcome to this chapter ! In this chapter, I'll reveal some briefly short information of what happened to the past about the characters whom you love and adore!

Let's start with...


August was an orphan who scurried along the pathways of the villages and the towns, stealing food and clothes for his survival. He had a little sister who died due to being sick and he blamed it all on himself for her death.

His father ran away when he was born and his Mother became distant from him and his sister once she was born. She believed that having a daughter was a hassle and stick to being drunk with her other drunk friends instead of taking care of the both.

August picked up his sister and ran away from the safety of their home as one day their mother came in drunk and wanted to beat the ever daylight out of his sister. She did land some hits on her and August had to pick up a cooking pan from the kitchen and bash his mother's head behind her to make her fall unconscious.

August was 12 and his sister was 5 when they ran away. Unfortunately, life was tuff and his sister got infected by the bad bleeding and bruise's his mother had given her. August was hurt to, when he tried to steal some food the cook saw him and got furious, accidentally pouring hot water and the right side of his face, making him go blind at the right eye and burning half of the right side of his face.

Even tho that, August tried his best to do everything to save his sister, even tearing the parts of his worn old clothes to cover up her bruises and infected area. But unfortunately, she wasn't to strong and she passes away a few days later, which August still blame her death because of him.

August was fond a few days later after his sisters death, sneaking into a wealthy families garden and plucking some grapes and blueberries for himself, which he immediately loved the blueberries. The gardener found him and took him to his master who demanded on what he was doing here.

August tried to save himself by saying that he could help the man by being Gardener aswell, which they took it and put him to work immediately. At that faithful time, The King and the young princess, Marie, came to have a business talk with the wealthy man and chat like old friends. Marie decided to tag along because she was curious at where her dad usually went and was getting bored staying at the palace without her friends.

When little Marie's eyes laid on the dirty boy in the garden, she immediately got curious and started talking with him which he talked to. They talked and played and ran around until they immediately became close and friends. Before Marie left she asked her Dad if she could ever visit her new friend in the garden which her Dad got curious at.

He asked the wealthy man about the boy and the man replied that they found him sneaking inside the garden and plucking some fruits. Marie begged to take the boy with them, fearing that these people would treat him badly because of what he had done which the man and her father agreed to.

So they took August along with them to the palace, but August, wanting to repay their kindness, decided to become Marie's personal gardener and be friends with her.

So, that's how August came to be.


Frisk had known Chris for as long as she knew him. She had a horrible life when she was at her human life, suffering until she laid eyes on younger and a more human Chris who seemed to stare at her from a distance with concern.

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