Chapter 4: Aftermath

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Jason POV-
15 minutes before "Impact"

Jason swiftly entered the manor like a man on a mission.

Because technically, they were. Pitty and him, of course.

The ride may have been cut short. But Pitty had managed to calm down during that 45 minute ride.

But when Tim textured the Family Group chat. That has Alfred and Bruce in it, to basically. "Leave Danny alone for a while. He is gonna be needing some alone time for a bit." 

He couldn't help but worry, and Pitty was worried too. Pitty more so felt guilty and asked Jason if he could ask what happened. So he did...

And he did not like the answer...

Danny had a fricken Floppy Disk. That has every inch of research, documentation, blueprint, and experiment the Fenton's ever did.

Including Video Documentation of ALL 789 experiments they did to Phantom during his vivisection.


Jason took a deep breathe for him and Pitty, then and there. He hummed when he realized that spike of rage was easier to suppress than it used to be.

Realizing Pitty and him, were truly free from the Pit Rage. From the toxic Lazarus Water.

As he walked quickly to the game room, he carefully peaked inside to see Danny watching the cutscene intently.

He was playing Halo Infinite and managed to finish it... Which didn't make sense. That game was several hours long. How did he beat it in the 35 minutes it took for Jason to come back. Which was since Tim messaged him.

Pitty hummed to Jason.

'The Kings, Ghostly Guardian has been here. I can sense his time manipulation was at play, in this room only.' Pitty informed him softly. He seemed to be curious as to why.

Jason didn't like the look Danny was giving the screen. The feeling Danny's core was giving off.

The depression, the sadness. And hope... longing for something Jason couldn't quite understand. It wasn't painting Jason a pretty picture. But Danny was safe, and that's all that mattered.

Jason quietly closes the door shut and began to head his way over to his library. He needed to read for a bit to calm down.

"Ahh, Master Jason. I see you and Pitty have come home sooner than anticipated." Said a very familiar, a slight confused voice as Jason stepped into his Library.

Only to find Alfred dusting it clean.

"Sorry Alfie, I just... I got worried about Danny, after Timbers sent that text to the family chat." Jason admitted without much restrain. He knew it wasn't worth hiding the truth from the man he called his grandfather.

After all, Alfred knew him better than anyone else did.

"Hmm, I see." Alfred smiled knowingly as he turned to give Jason his full attention, "Perhaps, you would like to tell me more about your worries for Mister Danny?" Alfred motioned toward the two couches settled in his library. That just so happen to be on both sides of the nice red wood table he has in here.

With a soft nod, Jason made his way over to the seat and sat down gently. He could feel his anxiety skyrocket as Alfred joined him.

"Now, Master Jason. How do you feel about Mister Danny?" Alfred started, his eyes glistening in a way that made Jason shiver. He felt exposed, compelled to tell nothing, but the truth.

And so he did.

"I feel happy, when I'm around Danny." Jason started without much thought about even saying otherwise, "He makes me feel whole. When... When I went onto his room during his nightmare. Pitty woke me up cause he didn't fall asleep yet and picked up on Danny's distress. But when I did pick up on it... It felt like he needed Me." Jason looked down at his hands and frowned, "I didn't even wait, I just went to his side because everything, my heart, my mind... My Soul. Told me to go and protect hims to comfort My King." Jason emphasized rather softy as he looked back up toward his grandfather, "He helped us Alfie. He cured me, and Pitty with just his cry for help. I have never felt so complete in my life. That I can't even picture myself without him being there. Everytime I have held him, I feel at peace. I feel loved and cherished in a way that I never could imagined. Even with my past relationships... No one felt so... Right, like how Danny and I feel..."

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