Chapter Two: The Offer

Start from the beginning

"Two years early? Good lord, she's a smart one too." Stark said, leaning against a counter.

"Well, high school isn't exactly...hard. But, yeah, I'll join you guys." I said, smiling

"Banner, let's start on a super suit for her. One that can handle extreme elements, just like her. Oh boy, this is gonna be fun!" Tony strode out of the room, Banner close behind him.

"Tony likes having new projects. But while they're working on that, we need to get you trained. I suggest that you have combat training with Nat and Clint, they'll whip you into shape." Steve said, and Clint and Nat both smirked.

"That reminds me, how did you make her pass out earlier? You've never used that before." Steve asked Natasha.

"That's because it's a nerve pinch that only works before the body is completely developed. Once someone is 18 or 19, the brain develops enough to not react to the pinch. I haven't used in a while, wanted to see if it still works." she smiled.

"It does." I grumbled, and everyone laughed. "Um, if I'm an Avenger, then does that mean I get to live here? I assume we're in Stark Tower right now." I said.

"We are, and yes. In fact, I can take you to your apartment to grab some things if you want." Clint said.

"That would be great!" I smiled, and he nodded to the door. He gave me a quick tour, and we stepped down into a huge garage, filled with exotic cars, motorcycles, and even a small fighter jet, painted Tony's signature red and gold. Clint walked over to a sleek, black, sports car, and pressed his hand to the door.

"Tony installed hand sensors into all of our vehicles, so we don't need keys. He's always advancing technology, lord knows what he'll do next," he said, as the hand sensor beeped and the doors automatically opened. We got in, and I gave him directions to my apartment. We got there quickly. It was morning now, only hours after Nat and Steve had found me. I led him upstairs, remembering that I had left the door unlocked. "I'll wait here." he said, leaning against the counter once we had gotten inside. I grabbed a duffel bag out of the closet and walked down the hallway to my bedroom. I flipped on my lights, and sitting on my bed, was Blake. I hadn't seen him in the months since we had been given out powers, but I recognized his green eyes and spiky black hair anywhere.

"Scream, and you'll regret it." he said, standing up.  Like I said before, Blake let Jason experiment on him willingly, unlike me. Blake had mind manipulation powers as well as my strength and speed, but we didn't really get along. Luckily, Jason also implanted a resistor chip in my brain that stopped Blake from controlling me. 

"Oh really? What can you possibly do to me?" I asked. I shaped small balls of fire in my hands, and he smirked.

"You were always a hothead. It's not what I'll do to you, it's what I can do to your friend." he said, standing up from the bed. I sighed and extinguished the flames by clenching my fists.  "Jason sent me to find you after you didn't confirm the robbery with him. Come quietly and no one gets hurt."

"What if I don't want to?" I said. I walked over to my closet and began throwing clothes into my duffel bag. As I reached for my favorite pair of sneakers, he grabbed my wrist, twisting it behind my back. I yelped, and he covered my mouth.

"I should have known this wouldn't be easy. Let's go. Now." Blake started pulling me towards the window. I bit his hand, still covering my mouth, and he groaned. Suddenly, he was pulled away from me, and I turned to see Clint pulling him off of me. 

"No!" I said, but it was too late. Blake pulled out of Clint's grip and turned to face him. Clint's face turned from anger to confusion, and he blinked a few times. "Blake, no! Don't do this!" I screamed.

"Too late." he smirked evilly, and pulled a gun from his belt, handing to Clint. "You know what to do." he said to Clint.

Clint slowly raised the gun up to his head, and I started screaming for him to stop, but it was no use. Just as he moved his hand to pull the trigger, I squeezed my eyes shut. I heard the gunshot and screamed. I heard a thump, and opened my eyes, crying. It wasn't Clint, but Blake bleeding on the ground. Clint dropped the gun, gasping.

"I don't do mind control, Jordyn. Never again." he said. I could tell that it had taken a lot of strength for him to resist it. I looked down at Blake, who was holding his hands over his wound. "Who is he?" Clint asked.

I explained who Blake was to him, and by then Blake had passed out. "Let me get the rest of my stuff and we'll call the police. This apartment is in Jason's name, so they wont come after me." I said, starting to stuff more clothes in my duffel. 

As we left the apartment and Clint called the police to report a "noise complaint" at my apartment, I couldn't help but wonder how my life was going to be from now on.

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