part 7

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Y/n wipes her tears and runs at light speed. She throws herself from the cliff and in a few seconds she reaches him. His eyes are closed. She pulls him closer to herself. They both land on the ground. Safe and sound. Of course, y/n has the ability to control his weight and the effect of Gravity. Taehyung is in her arms. Safe and sound.
He slowly opens his eyes and a small grin is plastered on his lips. Y/n is looking at him with anger, frustration, and fear.
If a look can kill anyone Taehyung would be dead by now.

Y/n: Are you mad or what??
Tae: So you are really the one...
Y/n: How can you do that?? Risking your life. What if your prediction wasn't right?
Tae: I already knew who you are. You and Hyunsoo are siblings. So you both have to be the same kind.
Y/n: You knew???
Tae: Hyunsoo has told me everything to explain the situation and the mate thing. Yuri is his mate and they are fated to be together and they can't be separated. And all.

Y/n sighs...

Tae: You aren't angry are you?
Y/n: If I Didn't act instantly you could have died Taehyung. ( sternly)
Tae: But I know you wouldn't let that happen.
Y/n: If you knew then why you annoyed me the whole day ( pissed)
Tae: I told you just testing the theories.
Y/n: That you find on the internet.
Tae: Yeah!! And those are fake we should sue them for these ( determine)
Y/n: You can't believe everything you find on the internet.
Tae: That's why I was testing. ( smile)

Y/n is literally done with Taehyung.

Tae: Your wound has healed??
Y/n: Even before I run to my room.
Tae: Btw Y/n are we mate??
Y/n: No.
Tae: Yes... Yuri told me how she felt around Hyunsoo. The smell...The feeling.. The Attraction... The undeniable bond... The sadness when she can't see him... I feel everything for you...

Y/n just looks down. It is about time until Taehyung figures it out. If he wasn't aware of the vampire fact he might still confused about the feelings but he already knew the facts so it Didn't take time for him to figure it out.

Y/n: No... You are just fantasizing about it as You see Yuri and Hyunsoo's Bond. You also want that kind of bond..That's it..
Tae: You can't lie. I know we are mates. You can't deny that. And the mate bond is unbreakable. Only death can break the bond.
Y/n: There is an option of rejecting you know??? Hyunsoo never told you right???
Tae: Yeah!!! You can't reject me. I already want you.
Y/n: We can't be together.
Tae: Why??? Because I am a human?
Y/n: Things are more complicated. And I want you to pursue Yuri so she can let Hyunsoo go for now.

Tae: Why you are after them y/n? You know the bond is unbreakable and they can't stay away from each other. Do you have any problem with my sister?? You Don't like her?? The day you came you straight up showed your dislike. I Didn't want to come between but you are hurting my sister. ( frustrated)
Y/n: Because I am trying to help Her. You will regret it.
Tae: You know what i Don't want to talk to you anymore.

Taehyung leaves Her.

Y/n just stare at him. She should be the one to get mad at Taehyung for pulling the stan but Taehyung is mad now. What's with him?
Y/n starts to feel tired. Today Taehyung drained a lot of energy from her besides she Didn't drink any blood for more than 24 hours. So The incident overdrain her energy. To keep themself energised they need to keep their thirst satisfied.
" Should I go for a preserved drink or go for a hunt??? Let's go for a hunt." Y/n think.

She runs inside the deep forest to find the target.

Next day

Taehyung is sulking after last night and Y/n is pissed. He Didn't listen to her full explanation and got mad. She was trying to help Yuri. She should be the one who gets mad after yesterday's Incident and here Taehyung is sulking. She wants to pull her hair. No one ever dared to get on her nerves. She grew up getting all the respect. She is the crown Princess and the next in line for the thrown. She has power and temper. Everyone gets scared of her. She has a bad temper and can make anyone intimidate with her aura. But here is Taehyung who she thought was a mature and a future businessman but is actually a childish boy who continuously wants attention and has something weird in mind. At first, he makes her annoyed then frusted now pissed. And for some reason, she can't even show it. Maybe the mate bond is acting. For vampires, Their mates are something they love entirely and are protective over them. Once The bond forms Their life surrounds around their mate. Humans Don't have a mate but when a human becomes a vampire's mate the can feel the mate bond too. And the mate bond always makes them act weird. They continuously want their mate's attention and want to stay close to them. Human mates act more clingy than Vampire mates. Besides if Taehyung is her mate that means Taehyung is going to be the Prince consort. And most importantly He can't rule if he is a human. And A queen's mate has to be the same kind as her means Vampire. So Taehyung has to give up his human life. Taehyung is still not aware of all the facts. She Doesn't know how Taehyung is going to take all these. He is emotional due to the bond.

But right now Hyunsoo is her main concern. Taehyung is also not ready to listen to her. She Doesn't know what else to do. The time is ticking. She Doesn't have much time. Hyunsoo's Birthday is coming and It's on Full moon. He is going to have his first transformation and in full moon the blood thirst of the vampire is incredible. It's not going to end well if she can't take him back. No one is listening to her. The Kim siblings are really stupid. Bringing disaster on themselves.

She is tense. Hyunsoo needs to go back to Their realm at any cost. She promised their father that she Won't let the havoc happen. But Hyunsoo is too stubborn to understand the danger coming. If she can't stop, another bloody havoc will happen. Hurting humans are the last thing they want. They co-exist with humans. They aren't enemy. So the last thing they want is to cause trouble to them.

Y/n sighs.
What's going to happen??
How can she stop it???

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