Road Trip To The Outside World

Start from the beginning

Danny leaned against the door of his silver and gold 2007 Chevrolet Camaro while Valentina was just a couple of feet away, shaking her head in disapproval. Sasha walked up to the two of them with her arms crossed and looked at Yasmin and Cameron as they fended for themselves against the legion of paparazzi. 

"Ya know, i kind of feel bad for him."

Hearing Valentina speak about the situation made Sasha put her headphones over her ears and hand Danny his bat back to him. She didn't exactly share the same sentiment, and while she didn't dislike Cameron, it was clear that she wasn't fully convinced of his character.

"Eh, that's what happens when you're the son of the richest man on the planet."

Danny took his bat and opened the trunk of his car with the press of a button on his keys. Putting the bat in his trunk, he started to speak to Sasha, and still felt that she was being kind of harsh on Cameron.

"Damn, even after fighting with the guy, you still don't like him?"

Sasha opened up her phone and tapped on the Bluetooth logo near her notifications to connect to her headphones while Danny was speaking. She never really said that she didn't like Cameron, but it was something entirely different.

"I never said that, i just don't trust him. A single fight in the cafeteria isn't enough to gain my full trust."

Playing a song from her playlist, Sasha started to drift off in her own music while Valentina agreed with her on the matter.

"I'm actually kinda with Sasha on this one, but then again, I haven't really talked to the guy like that, so what do I know?"

Clearly, Danny wasn't sharing the same sentiment as Valentina and Sasha, and while he was watching Cameron and Yasmin struggle with the crowd an idea grew in his head.

In the blink of an eye, Danny seemed to have moved from one place to another, standing in front of Cameron and Yasmin while the paparazzi that were chasing them seemingly vanished from sight.

Both Cameron and Yasmin were completely confused as to what just happened, but it was only for a second as they saw Danny standing in front of them with one of his hands in his pocket and the other holding a strange beverage. 

Yasmin wasn't happy to see Danny at all given their last encounter while Cameron cracked a smile seeing his newfound friend show up. Now that he was in front of them, Yasmin spoke up while holding a disgusted and irritated expression.

"Oh, it's the hillbilly."

Not being offended by Yasmin's comments, Danny simply took a sip of his drink and made a bit of a sarcastic response to her, clearly in a much more casual mood than she was.

"That's hillbilly-ist."

Cameron noticed that there was some strange writing on the side of the beverage and squinted his eyes to get a better look at it. Looking at the beverage, he noticed the words "Welcome to Las Vegas" on it and was a little confused as to where he got it since they obviously didn't live in Vegas or near it.

Putting two and two together for a moment, Cameron kind of laughed, which to Yasmin and Danny would come off as a delayed reaction to Danny's comment from earlier.

"I see you two are without a ride. Tell you what, i got a car and i could get you two where you need to go lickity split."

Now that she was thinking about it, there wasn't a ride to pick them up from the school or even the helicopter that they came here in. Nevertheless, after what happened in the courtyard, she'd rather take her chances walking than getting into a car with him.

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