Washed Up Rocker Boy

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Finally making his way home after dropping Valentina and Sasha off, Danny parked his car just outside of a decently sized middle-class home. Around the house was an open field with no homes around for miles, and surrounding the house were trees that reached into the sky for miles.

Taking a step outside of his car, Danny walked over to the front door of the house and reached under the door mat that laid in front of him to pick up a key. It didn't even take a minute before Danny unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open.

Instead of his usual care free and and joking tone, he spoke with a lot more somber in his voice. He was quiet but just loud enough for whoever was inside to hear him.

"Hey... i'm home."

As he peaked into the home, Danny turned his head to the right, seeing the back end of a torn-up coach with a TV displaying nothing but static. Pushing the door open a bit more and stepping inside, it seemed that Danny created enough noise for someone to jolt up from the couch and look around the room.

"Hu-huh? What happened? Oh heeeeeey Danny, you're home."

What sat up from the couch before Danny's own eyes was an extremely rough-looking man. His long brown hair and five-o'clock shadow contrasted his golden eyes. In his hand was a large, half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels, and while he swung it around, he quickly asked how Danny's day was.

"How was your da- *hic* day?"

Closing the door behind him and locking it behind him, Danny walked over to the man and placed his backpack down on the floor. Taking a seat on the couch next to the man, Danny let out a sigh while holding a rueful smile.

"It was alright, the girl i liked asked me out today."

Patting Danny on the back, the man smiled and laughed while thinking back to when he was Danny's age. The man's memory was hazy; it was hard for him to actually picture anything, but he did remember Danny being around when he was eighteen, so he disregarded the thought.

"That-that's great. Ya know when i was your age... wait, nevermind."

The moment Danny sat down next to the man, he could smell it. The gallons of alcohol that the man had consumed gave Danny the feeling that just lighting a flame near him could cause him to spontaneously combust.  

Slouching forward, he slowly slid his hand off of Danny. The man cracked a smile while trying to speak. His drunken state made it hard for him to even sit up, but he managed to get out some words of advice to Danny.

"Well, it- if you're happy. I'm happy for you J-just make sure you wear protection." 

Looking at the man confused, Danny blinked a couple of times. Talks of that specific kind always made him somewhat uncomfortable, so he was caught off guard by the mention of "protection.".

"What? No dad, that's not-"

Interrupting Danny for a second, his father quickly shot up from his slouched position, swinging his arms in the air but putting them back down.

"If you think you're fast now, you don't know how fast life will hit ya when it does!"

Standing up from his seat, the roughed up man stumbled and shook his way around the room. Talking and preaching drunkenly while Danny made sure to watch him carefully. He reached his hand out, just slightly, worried and not sure what to do while the man continued to speak.

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