"But dad," she dragged out the word "dad" but Wilmer still shook his head no. He trusted her to stay home alone but there was no reason for her not to go to school.

"You're going to school. Now eat your breakfast so that you can finish getting ready," Wilmer demanded causing Isabella to roll her eyes before sitting up so that she could eat. Her phone buzzed on the counter and before Wilmer could snatch it away from her because of his rule of phones at mealtime, she picked it up and set it on her lap.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you...I got some footage for you last night."


"Well I forgot where I put my coat but I know I put it upstairs so I went up there and Demi was singing her son to sleep. It was so cute." Isabella opened the video on her phone and let Wilmer watch it, and he found himself unconsciously smiling at it because it was sweet. She was so soft and affectionate with her kids. Nothing about her being with them was fake.

"So, since I got that can I skip school?"

"No, you're still going. But thanks kid." He ruffled her hair before finishing off his own breakfast as Isabella groaned but continued to eat as well.

"Demetria, you really must eat something," Dorinda sighed as she finished fixing the twins' breakfast. Demi shook her head as she finished scrolling through the schedule that Marissa had sent to her for the day. Food was the last thing on her mind because of all that she had to do. Not to mention that she barely got any sleep right now. She was basically running on fumes but she was used to it.

"Dorinda, you're practically family around here. Call me Demi," she reminded her for about the fifth time that week. Demi looked at Dorinda as her grandmother or great aunt considering she didn't see that part of her family that much. In fact, she hardly saw them at all. But she had learned that if she didn't think about it then it wouldn't bother her.

The pitter patter of tiny footsteps was heard and a smile graced Demi's features as her children ran into the kitchen and tackled her legs, nearly knocking the air out of her. She had dressed them and fixed their hair and everything but they had been upstairs watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while Dorinda fixed breakfast. It was their favorite show and since their birthday happened to fall on the same weekend before the big show, that would be the theme of their party.

"Hey babies," Demi cooed, kneeling down in front of them and peppering them both with kisses. Nolie's laughter filled the entire kitchen as Nicholas tried to squirm out of her arms.

"Go sit down so you can eat and then-" she was cut off by Nick entering the kitchen, dressed to the nines in a custom tailored suit and Italian loafers.

"Go sit down," Demi repeated, ushering them towards the breakfast bar before turning to her husband who had snagged a few pieces of bacon off of one of the platters.

"I thought you were spending the day with the twins? I already called their daycare and told them that they wouldn't be attending today," Demi questioned as Nick pulled one of his phones out of his pocket and began to respond to a text.

"Well call them back and tell them that they will. I have to go into the office today but we can do something this weekend," Nick responded without even looking at her so he didn't see the way her facial expression fell and her usual squared back shoulders fell down.

"It's okay Demi, I can watch them for today," Dorinda offered as she began to clean up from breakfast.

"No, you're supposed to take the day off after you finish breakfast. I'll figure something out." When she turned around to talk to Dorinda, Nick took that opportunity to kiss the twins goodbye before leaving and before Demi could say anything, she heard the ding of the elevator and he was gone.

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