Virgin (Part 1)

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"Yes, most of the time we send them in search of rare materials not found in our world. Tae Hyun is also a hunter though he outranks those two."

"I'll report them," said Tae Hyun suddenly and Yoo Jin turned to look at him in surprise. He had just expected that there would be no consequences for those alphas, after all, they were alphas. "What can you even do about it?"

Tae Hyun gave him a look as though he thought him brainless. "Who do you think I am?"

The doctor took that moment to cut in. "Yes, behavior like that shouldn't be tolerated. Though based on my examination of their omegas, I wouldn't be surprised if this was not the first time." He turned back to Yoo Jin, whose eyes were still on them with a dubious expression. "I gathered you don't think too highly of us alphas."

Yoo Jin shrugged. "No, not really but you're not so bad, doctor."

He let out a small chuckle. "And what about Tae Hyun here?"

Yoo Jin shrugged again. He didn't like him but he also didn't exactly hate the guy.

Doctor Yoon smiled. "And tell me exactly what happened after Tae Hyun let out his pheromones. I would ask the man in question myself but Tae Hyun has always been notorious for not being very detailed."

Yoo Jin scoffed. That was an understatement, thinking back on the alpha's explanation of wizards and manas and how he had left the room with barely an instruction during the 'ghost' attack. "They fell to the ground and fainted."

The doctor nodded. "I figured as much, his pheromones are extremely potent." He looked up, meeting Yoo Jin in the eyes. "What is curious is that you didn't, though you were in the same space as the alphas and now you seem perfectly fine."

Yoo Jin blinked. "Well – yeah, I've never really been all that affected by pheromones and I've always recovered quickly. I've got thick skin."

"And a thick skull," Tae Hyun added.

Yoo Jin chose to ignore him, enjoying the glare the alpha sent his way. Apparently, he wasn't used to being ignored.

"The alphas are still out cold but here you are able to even do some light exercise... It is interesting. Regardless," said the doctor as he stood, "both of you seem perfectly fine and your wounds from the 'ghost' are healing as expected. Since I have a few other patients I must see to, I suggest you both rest."

"Here?" said Yoo Jin, surprised.

The doctor nodded as he opened the door. "Yes, while we get a room prepared for you, you'll have to stay with Tae Hyun. We've washed the clothes you had been wearing when you arrived and will have that delivered to you in the morning." He then promptly walked out, closing the door quietly behind him.

Yoo Jin blinked, having not expected that the room he had woken up in, sparse in decor belonged to this rich, pompous man. He turned to look at the alpha, even more surprised by the fact that he did not object.

"Since you're my omega, I suppose I can tolerate having you here with me for a day or two."

Yoo Jin rolled his eyes. "I didn't agree to it yet."

"You will."

Suddenly tired, Yoo Jin no longer felt like responding and a strange, comfortable silence passed between them.

"Hey," said Yoo Jin after a while. He scratched his head. "Thanks... for that– you know, saving me back there and with the ghost monster thing too."

The alpha gave him a look. "I didn't save you with the 'ghost'. When I had returned, I had found both you and your friend unconscious on the floor and the creature was gone."

Yoo Jin scratched his head in confusion. "Someone had to have saved us. If not you then who? Could it have run away?"

"I don't know," the alpha replied. "It isn't unheard of for monsters to simply leave but it would have had to pass me before exiting the building and I sensed nothing."

There was silence again as Yoo Jin ran through his memories. He couldn't believe that the thing had just left, not when it had him in his grasp. Could there have been another wizard somewhere with them? Or perhaps Liam had done something – damn, he really wanted to see him.

"When are you going to give me an answer?" asked the alpha suddenly, breaking into his thoughts.

Yoo Jin blinked then gazed at the alpha in disbelief. It hadn't even been twenty minutes since he last brought up the topic. Did it really matter that much to him? "Fine," he said after a moment, "I'll agree to it but I have conditions of my own."

"The money isn't enough?"

Not when it comes to my ass, he thought but decided not to say so. "I want to be a student here."

The alpha looked at him in surprise. "You want to be a student here?" he repeated.

Yoo Jin raised a brow. "That's what I said."

"But," he replied, then stopped before simply saying in confusion. "You're old."

Old? "I'm barely thirty."

But the alpha acted as though he did not hear him. "The test alone is physically demanding, beyond what you can probably even imagine. Do you think you, an omega, can keep up with alphas who are a decade younger than you?"

There was no condescension in his voice but Yoo Jin still found it incredibly grating. "I also want to be part of the dungeon stuff."

"You want... to be part of the raids? Well, naturally as my omega..."

"No, not as your omega. I want to join as a hunter and be paid competitively."

Tae Hyun's eyelids suddenly lowered into a glare. "Why? I said that I would pay you. The amount of money you need is trifling to me–"

"You said so yourself," Yoo Jin cut in, "it's not like we're going to be married. This isn't going to be forever, for all you know there might be another omega wizard and that person will suit you better than me. But since for now, if I agree to do this, I want to be able to create my own means of getting the money I need for now and the future."

The alpha sat quiet a moment, his eyes unmoving from Yoo Jin's face. "Fine," he finally said, "but you don't just become a hunter or even a student. There is going to be a test and it'll be difficult but I'll make it happen."

"Thank y–"

"Under the condition that we start the pheromone stabilization now."

Yoo Jin froze. What? "What? Just like that? Now?"

The alpha smirked. "That is my condition." He laid himself back down on his bed and waved his hand in the direction of the bathroom as if indicating the end of the conversation. "Go take a bath and be back here in exactly ten minutes. Make sure to wash thoroughly."

Yoo Jin looked at him in bafflement. The alpha had closed his eyes as though he planned to take a quick nap. He stood, his fists clenched as his sides. Fine, he had been the one to put in additional conditions, he would just be a child to argue when the alpha did the same. Standing, he stomped his way into the adjoining bathroom.

The Impossible Virgin Omega WizardOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant