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Walking would have been an exaggeration if anyone had to describe what Yoo Jin was doing in the empty, foreign hallway of a place deemed 'The Academy'. The reality was that he more or less stumbled, grasping onto anything he could find, his hands more than his feet driving him along the dark emptiness lit only by the occasional blue torch that hung upon the walls.

He realized too late that he should have probably asked the doctor where to find the alpha he sought. He mumbled under his breath, he wasn't even sure if the man was in the building of this 'Academy'. But it would be too embarrassing for him to go back now and ask, not when he made a show of leaving.

Ah well, nothing to do but keep looking, he supposed as he continued inching through the corridor.

From what he could tell, the architecture of the building was quite strange, the dormitory room he had been in was fairly standard except for the papered and framed windows, which were like those that had adorned the old Korean style houses and from the sensations beneath his bare feet, he was able to tell that the floors had been heated. But the hallway he was in now was almost gothic in form, not that he would know what gothic design looked like beyond what was presented to him in video games. It was eerie and dark with maroon walls and blue torches.

It felt almost suffocating for even in his little apartment, he was used to receiving a fair amount of light. Regardless, his feet softly padded forward until he came upon a room where a soft glow came from behind latticed doors made with red-stained Maidenhair wood and backed by mulberry paper.

He paused for a moment, looking at the intricate design atop the lattice. There were miniature carvings of monsters adorning the delicate wood, some he could recognize: goblins, dragons, lions, and even a moon rabbit and there were others he had never seen before, one particularly horrifying one was a relief of a smiling woman, whose mouth was ripped at its sides. And amongst the dozens or so other creatures, one design in particular struck out to him. It was nearly hidden for its size was noticeably smaller than the other designs.

It was a face. Wide mouth and white eyes.

It was the face of the 'ghost', one he had somehow seen in the folds of its invisible form. A face he had thought that he had somehow mistaken in seeing.

He gazed at it curiously for a moment. Like the one he had seen, it was vague and almost stylized, with no other discernible features outside of that mouth and eyes, raised just slightly from the wood.

So focused was he in observing the carving that he didn't notice the sounds of footsteps behind him.

He turned to look only when a large hand grabbed his arm and hulled him up and above the ground.

"What do we have here?" said a low, hissing voice.

Yoo Jin suddenly found himself facing two men and a woman. The man who held his arm in a nearly painful grip was taller and broader than any man he had ever seen before and the other one, though shorter, was still of significant build, similar though perhaps a bit smaller than the alpha Tae Hyun. The female alpha too was fairly large in stature but slimmer and softer though her eyes were sharp and unforgiving.

The one who spoke stood in the middle of the three and he stared at Yoo Jin with a curious, derisive expression. "You're no alpha," he said as his eyes roamed from Yoo Jin's head to his plain shirt and pajama pants, ending at his slippered feet. "Then an omega? But such a plain looking one, you can't possibly be any of our omegas."

He turned to his companion on the right, the female alpha, who stood watching them silently. "What do you think? An intruder or someone's omega?"

"Hold him up higher, let's take a look," she replied with barely even a hint of curiosity in her expression.

The Impossible Virgin Omega WizardWhere stories live. Discover now