Bonus Chapter: Creating Contortion Art Out Of Cramps

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"Keeping Yaldaboath busy while we returned here to take down a satellite that can kill the whole of humanity, so are you in or out?"

Sharp is Norea's choice of words. Rush is her truth. There is no detour. There is no lure, only their deadly reality. They are all doomed. Norea flattens her lips even more when she sees the clueless people walking by. Those speaking on their phones, those texting with their babies mothered by a screen to give their actual parents a respite from their task.

"We have thirty minutes, Norea!" Adam reminds through a heavy bead of sweat and painful rasps. The commotion of their return still has a toll on him and he holds on his knees.

All it takes to bring them back is one bite. One sink of the teeth into an apple and as they shut their eyes, savouring through the taste of the mysterious fruit that leaves a red trace over their lips, their two bodies disappear.

Their bitten apples fall onto the floor in a silent sound, swallows into the sand of Eden in the shape of a wound. Everything becomes pain. A brain drain starting from the weight of the tiny food into their stomachs, dragging them further down, contracting their muscles into creating contortion art out of cramps.

Visceral, somatic aches that are the material world and this is how they land back into it with distrust greeting them.

"I repeat, where is Lilith?" Senoy asks, concern breaking his voice like it tears each of his syllables apart. They were the only obstacle on Norea and Adam's path, the three stubborn spear's heads pointing down at them. The SSS are loyal to Lilith and have waited patiently for her return at the empty location of what used to be her book shop.

Norea only squints her eyes to look at Senoy, his body creating a solar eclipse over her small folded frame. Yet she finds the strength in her to stand up to him, a sense of urgency coursing through her veins.

"You'll have to trust us or bear the consequences of the end of humanity on your shoulders to the Pleroma!"

The gleam of determination glows within Norea's wide eyes. Blazing out red flames over her black iris and flaring even more with blood dripping out of her nostrils over her shoelace as she ties it tighter in readiness for her last mission.

Putting away his weapon, Senoy asks, "Where is this satellite?"

"I had the exact GPS location on this piece of paper!" Adam retrieves from his pocket a ripped page.

Motioning at the stranger who has just talked, Sansenoi asks, "Who is he?"

"Adam!" Norea spits in bitterness. "The first and only one, Adam!"

"In theory, we are now AdamEve back into one same body and going by the pronouns 'they' please!"

The SSS gives him a curt nod while turning their attention back to Norea. Senoy speaking as their one joined voice, "We can take you anywhere by God' speed!"

"Then do it now, because we have less than thirty minutes from now on!"

Sammangelof snatches the paper from AdamEve's hand and scan it with his console, a mere piece of glass to earthborn eyes. Strange symbols glows over his face like a slow etching smirk, the SSS now circle closer AdamEve and Norea. Their beings create a white shield around them, a beam of light so intense that it flashes right before them, bringing them on their knees to another location on earth.

Their eyes blink and clear up to the sight of makeshift houses with each layers revealing out a bigger hell. Bones sticking out of fleshes from famine, civil war ravaging the land to spill the blood of the innocents. Those dress in used clothes from the richer north hemisphere, a place they can only dream of as the smell of death coat on them whole.

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