Chapter 65

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Newt POV

I knew I didn't have enough time. I knew it was only a matter of hours, maybe even minutes.

We finally had Minho back and we were hiding in a small alley, hiding away from all the chaos that was happening on the streets.

Thomas and Minho laid me down against the wall as I tried to get my breathing in control.

I felt a warm liquid rolling down my chin and the boys before me were getting blurry. I blinked my eyes so there would not be any darkness. I knew at that point that the virus wins.

But I am not ready yet. Not until I know that everyone is safe.

"Minho." Thomas said quickly, moving his head down when there was another explosion. "Go find him the cure."

My eyes moved over to Minho, repeating his name over and over in my head.

"Thank you."

Minho quickly ran away with Gally in tow.

Thomas sat before me and I ripped off the necklace with all the strength I had.

"Thomas." I said to him, my voice breaking. "Please give this to her."

"You will give it to her, Newt." Thomas said back to me.

But I knew there was a slight chance that I will never see her again.

"Thomas!" I yelled at him. "Please, give it to her."

We ran through the street and through a broken building for somewhere safer. We eventually made our way to an open place where there were no people.

I felt my consciousness slipping away with each step we were taking. My legs felt like jelly and I couldn't control my breathing. It felt as if the air was nowhere to be found.

Thomas laid me down onto the ground and I looked up towards the sky. Stars were littering the skies. I could see them through the dark smoke.

"Forgive me, love." I mumbled to myself and let the darkness take over me. 

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