Secret part 2 - Hawk

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I woke up and I was laying on my bed, I heard two people shouting at each other outside my room. I started to remember what had just happened and stood up. I opened the door and saw Demetri and Hawk throwing insults at each other, I then noticed something, Demetri has a cast on his arm. "What the hell is going on!?" I scream getting both of their attention. "How can you still love him Y/n?" Demetri asked. "I don't know I just do," I responded, "What happened to your arm?" He then gestured to Hawk who was looking down. I gasped, "You- you did this?" I was in pure shock. "Y/n, you have to choose, Me and your Dojo, or Him and Cobra Kai." I walked in between them and down the stairs, both followed me. "Y/n, what's your answer?" Hawk said making me stop in my tracks. "Don't you dare make me choose, Hawk is who I want to be with, I don't care about Cobra Kai, Demetri, I don't know how you found out and I don't care, but this doesn't mean I don't care for you too, you're my best friend in the whole world and I love our Dojo, so don't for one second believe that I could choose," Just then there was a knock at my door, I opened it and it was Sam. "Hey, can I come in?" I was hesitant but let her in, she looked at Demetri, then Hawk, then she spoke. "I think you should quit Karate, we don't need the others thinking that Cobra Kai are good," I suddenly saw red, everyone was trying to control me and my life. I slapped her almost as hard as she slapped me, "Why don't you take that opinion and shove it up your ass!" Demetri looked at me horrified, "You've turned into one of them, you are a Cobra," He went and helped Sam up. "You made me into this!" I screamed at them, "If you so desperately want me to be the monster you think I am, well then fine!" I whipped the door open and pushed Sam and Demetri out of my house, I slammed the door shut and took a breath. I turned to look at Hawk and he smiled at me, "I'm going to rejoin Cobra Kai," I stated and he walked up to me and gave me a passionate kiss. "Let's go and get you a Gi," I really did love him. 

Once we got to the Dojo everyone looked at me like they were going to kill me, except Hawk and Sensei Kreese. "What a surprise, what brings you here Miss L/n?" The Sensei asked. "It was a mistake leaving in the first place, I wish to rejoin," the Sensei smirked and got me a Gi. "Welcome back," I went and changed, when I looked in the mirror I saw who I was and who I've become. I went out and trained with everyone. Before the end of the lesson Kreese wanted to talk to me and he was by a punching bag. "Miss L/n what made you come back," he asked. "My friends told me to quit karate," he raised an eyebrow. "With your talent, why would they ask you to do that?" I clenched my fist, "I was seeing Hawk behind their backs, they didn't want me to influence the others into thinking that Cobra Kai is good," he gestured to the bag. "Your friends have become your enemies, they were trying to control you, how does that feel," I punched the bag hard. "Like shit," I mumble. "What was that?" He asked and I kicked the bag each time with more power, "LIKE SHIT!" I screamed and began throwing all of my anger onto the punching bag, after a few seconds the bag actually broke and fell over. I stood over the bag breathing heavily, there was a rounds of clapping, I turned and saw all of Cobra Kai. Kreese patted my shoulder, "Miss L/n is officially back," Hawk ran and picked me up and spun me them put me back down putting our foreheads together. 

 At the end of the lesson I was walking home with Hawk and Sam and Demetri drove passed and saw where I had just left from, "Y/n!" Demetri called me. "What do you two want?" I asked. "I want you to apologise for slapping me," Sam said and I laughed. "Right and I am a gullible idiot who will do whatever you say," she glared at me, "are you actually being fucking serious?" I was furious. "You chose him and Cobra Kai over us," Demetri got out of the car and walked up to me, "What happened to you Y/n, I loved you," he went for my hand but I pulled away. "You both decided to put all of your energy into this stupid feud, when I needed you two both you shut me out, of course I would turn to Hawk, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but it's not all on me," Sam's eyes widened. "You were secretly hanging out with a Cobra, how does that have anything to do with us," I moved so my arm out to Sam could see my wrist, more specifically the spike bracelet that Tory gave me, hers was white and mine's black. "Got this from my new best friend, you forced me to make this choice so I am going all in," Hawk wrapped an arm around me. "That's my girl," he gave Demetri a smirk as he kissed my temple, "Are you just going to stand there like a pussy," Demetri slowly went back into Sam's car. "Y/n, we were so close," Sam stated. "The second you thought you could control me was when our friendship died," Hawk guided me away from them and we went to his house, he invited Tory, Mitch and Bert over to watch a movie. 

We were just laughing and having fun when I got sent multiple messages from both Demetri and Sam.

Sam: I hate you 

Demetri: I love you 

Sam: You are just like Tory

Demetri: I did want to kiss you, I always have. I said I didn't because I saw you with Hawk.

Sam: I can't wait to beat the shit out of you in the All Valley

Demetri:  Please rethink your decision, I'll get Sam on board, I'll get everyone on board, please come back.

 I saw all of this and ran upstairs to Hawk's room, I needed to breathe, Hawk followed me and held me until I had fallen asleep in his arms.

Hawk / Eli ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ