Finding each other again - Eli

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I was back in the Valley, back where I belong. I walked into Larosso Auto and found Robby, "Long time," he turned and smiled. "No see," He ran to me and gave me a hug. "So, I was expecting to see Sam in here," I say but he shook his head. "No I am the boss now," I smiled. "Well I am so happy for you," he smiled and looked at the time. "Hey do you want to come with me?" He asked. "To go where?" He grabbed my arm and walked me to his car where Tory was leaning on the side of the car. "Babe what took you so-" she paused as she looked up and saw me. She ran to me and at full speed nearly fell on me, "Y/N I'M SO HAPPY YOU ARE HERE!" I smiled and was let in the back seat, as Robby drove us I recognised the roads, we were going to the Dojo. 

Demetri was waiting outside with Yasmine clinging onto him, I was nervous to see everyone again, especially a certain man who I definitely still have feelings for. "Hey you two, ready for the grand opening?" Demetri asked as the two got out of the car. "We actually have a surprise," Tory spoke opening my door for me, I slowly got out and I saw Demetri's expression change to shock and joy, he started to tear up a bit, "Y/n?" I slowly walked up to him and he hugged me closely, "I missed you so much Metri," he chuckled. "You have no idea," I chuckled at his response. Once we broke the hug, "Can someone tell me what is going on?" I asked and Demetri looked at Robby and Tory baffled, "You didn't tell her?" they shook their heads laughing a little. Yasmine turned to me and finally gave me some answers "Sam and Miguel are re-opening the Dojo together as both business partners and soon to be husband and wife," I gasped and jumped up and down a little excited. 

We waited a few minutes when a figure I knew all too well walked up to us from the Dojo, he still had his Mohawk and it was a teal blue which suited him so well, his scar was not as hidden as he made it when we were younger and he had grown even more handsome then I could have ever imagined. He was a foot away from all of us and went to say something but then his eyes landed on me, "Y/n? Am I... am I dreaming?" He asked himself as he studied my face, I grabbed his hand gently, "If this is a dream then, I never want to wake up," I spoke to him and he nodded. Either of us moved, just looked at each other, enjoying being together. "Ahem!" Demetri coughed loudly which got both of our attention, "should we go in?" I turned back to Eli and he nodded, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, leading me in. "It's so weird, so much has changed, yet so much has stayed the same," I looked up at Eli. He chuckled, "which category do your feelings come in?" I blushed deeply. We had stopped walking, I hadn't realised that we were at the front of a massive crowd. 

I opened my mouth to answer but Miguel and Sam came out with three kids, "Welcome everyone to the grand opening of the Diaz Dojo, please welcome our first ever students," Sam said and the three children came in all in yellow Gis. "Emma Keene," the oldest did a jump kick and bowed. "Jack Keene," the boy in the middle did a head kick and bowed. "and Amelia Moskowitz," I gave a quiet gasp as the little girl did a round house kick and bowed. I looked at Eli and he whispered, "I'll tell you later," I nodded my thoughts of getting back with him disappearing, what if the mum was still involved? If she isn't what if his kid doesn't like me? "Now please, enjoy yourselves and if you have a kid that wants to join sign up on the Diaz karate website," Miguel said and the five walked into the crowd with Amelia finding Eli and jumping into his arms, he spun her around. "That was amazing sweetheart," he stopped spinning her and gave her a hug full of love. I watched loving how great he was with her. "I want to introduce you to someone," he broke the hug and looked at me, she followed his eye line and smiled at me. I smiled back, "Hello Hun, I'm Y/n," I gave her a little wave. "Is she the warrior princess?" She asked Eli and I looked at him confused, "Yes she is," She giggled at her dad's response. "Amelia!" Jack called and she jumped out of Eli's arms and ran to him. 

"I'm a warrior princess?" I asked and he chuckled. "I make up stories for her, her favourite is the knight who learns to love, where the warrior princess Y/n," he gestured to me, "they fall in love and she finds out that his real name is..." he paused looking a little embarrassed, "Eli?" He nodded. "So, her mother-" I went to ask. "I adopted her, her parents passed when she was small and I wanted to have a child," I smiled and hugged him. "I always knew you'd be a great dad," he pulled away a little to look at me and then he kissed me out of nowhere. I kissed back remembering how it felt when we were younger but this felt even better, "Y/n, I still love you," he said when we broke the kiss. "Eli, I never stopped loving you," we were about to kiss again. "Y/n?" Miguel and Sam said at the same time, I turned and hugged them both. "I see you two didn't hesitate," Miguel smirked, Eli wrapped an arm around my waist. "They hadn't seen each other for years, if it were us I bet we would be the exact same," they smiled at us then walked away. "Y/n, do you want to stay with Amelia and I tonight," I nodded. "That would be great."

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