Over protective - Hawk

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I was walking through the halls hand in hand with Hawk. It was lunch and we were with the rest of the Cobra Kai crew, I was very angry at Sam, she played with both Miguel and Tory's feelings, she is also acting so innocent, like she is the hero and we were the villans. I hoped that eventually we would make up, but there's no chance of that right now. When we got to the lunch hall, Hawk got his football out from his bag and handed me his phone, "Hey Darling, can you film me?" He asked and I nodded. "Sure baby," I took a couple of steps back, making sure I was in no one's way and held up my hand to count down from five. Hawk was doing his tricks and began promoting Cobra Kai, just as he said "It is the best dojo in the valley," I felt a foot sweep my legs me making me fall forward, Hawk let go of his ball and ran to catch me. He helped me up looking into my eyes, "Are you okay Darling?" He asked paniced. "I'm fine baby, you caught me," When I stood up and turned and saw Sam. "What the hell?!" I said shocked. "Is everything okay?" Demetri came over. "They were claiming that Cobra Kai is the best dojo in the valley," Sam said giving Hawk a death glare. "So you sweeped my girlfriends legs from behind," Hawk said stepping forward, "So called good guys," He mumbled getting in Sam's face. Demetri pushed him slightly so they were now faced to face, "We are not the assholes," Demetri said. I was pissed, "So it's not an asshole move to kiss someone else's boyfriend," I say stepping so I was next to Hawk. Sam was speachless again "I..." There was a pause until Demetri looked at me, "Coming from the girl who used to be friends with everyone, and now hates everyone, Atleast we know who we are," Demetri said and I felt myself get overcome with an extremly strong sense of self-loathe and I could feel the tears in my eyes. "NEVER SPEAK TO HER EVER AGAIN!" Hawk sreamed and pushed them both away. He turned to me and pulled me into a hug, "Please don't listen to them, you're perfect," he whispered in my ear.

I was at golf n stuff by myself as the other Cobra Kai's were running late and I had just won enough tickets to get the panda plush I have been wanting for ages, I went to the prize stand and winced when I saw who was working there, one of the old Cobra Kai students, I never had any problems with him but the fact that he had been hanging out with Sam and Demetri made me anxious for this exchange to play out. I slowly walked up to the stand, "Hello, I would like to trade my tickets for the panda please," I say trying to be polite. "Yeah su-" He stopped himself has he turned around and saw me, his smile dropped and grabbed the panda from the top and threw it at me, I quickly caught it but because I was so distracted from catching the Panda I didn't notice that he had picked up his choclate shake and threw it over me and the Panda plush. Just as that happened the rest of the Cobra Kai students arrived, Hawk took one look at me and turned the the former student, he then jumped the counter and punched him, then grabbed more prizes and threw them to the others. He jumped back over and screamed, "MESS WITH MY GIRL AGAIN AND YOU WILL BE THE ONE MESSED UP!" He grabbed my hand and we ran to the alley outside, He got out a spare dress for me, "How did you know?" I asked and changed behind a bin, I came out and he smiled, "Beautiful, I thought that maybe we could go to the movies after laser tag and I know that you prefer to whear the flowing dresses at the movies," I went up to him and kissed him. "God you are amazing," I whisper, we were about to kiss again until, "Guys, a fight as started in the laser tag arena," we looked at each other and sighed. When we got in there we were clearly winning and I noticed that Sam was in the corner having a panic attack, I went over and kneeled next to her, "I promise I am not going to hurt you," I say calmly, "Please just try and copy my breathing," she kept staring off into the distance, I had no idea if she heard me or not, I slowly went to put my hand on her shoulder but he slapped it away and kicked me in the face, so hard that I flew back. My vison was fading and all I could see was a very concerened and angry Hawk standing over me, the last thing I heard before I lost senses was, "YOU ARE DEAD LAROSSO!"

I woke up to being in the hospital, I felt that my hand was In someone else's, I opened my eyes and glanced at him and he smiled very relieved, "Oh thank fuck you are awake," he stood up and hugged me, "Oh darling I missed you so much," I kissed his cheek and smiled. He then held up a mirror and I saw a very large bruise on my face from Sam's kick. I sighed and he put the mirror back down, "How long was I out," I asked and he sighed. "A few days," I just looked into his eyes, "I'm happy you are okay," he gave me a long kiss on the forehead. "I am going to get you something for you to eat, you rest, okay darling," I nodded and he walked out. I saw that there were a few cards on the table, I reached over to read them, they were mostly from Cobra Kai, Even the sensei sent me one when I got to one at the very back.

Dear my love,

I know I will probably will be there when you wake up but I just wanted you to have it in writing, I love you, and I will always try to protect you even if lately I've not been doing a very good job.

With all of the love I am capable to giving, Hawk / Eli <3

He walked back into the room with a pack of M&M's and I gave him a big hug, "You saw my card," He smirked. "Yeah and I love you too, my wonderful protector," I kissed him again fully inlove with everything Hawk is, was and will be. 

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