All Valley - Eli (S4)

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I was standing with the rest of the students I sadly couldn't get passed Tory so I was just cheering everyone else on. Demetri had just faced Robbie and lost, I patted his back and he didn't look nearly as upset as I thought he would, "Damn, you are taking this remarkably well," I observed. "Well, I knew I had no chance, plus I have a girlfriend," I chuckled. "You know, you still owe me from that bet," he sighed and nodded. "What bet?" Eli asked, "We made a bet that he would get together with Yasmine, and he did," I smirked. "Wow, when was this?" Eli asked, "The last all valley," Demetri answered. Eli frowned a little at the topic of the last all valley, just then his opponant, Kyler walked up to us, "Robby got lucky, can't say the same for you lip," He smirked. I walked up to him, "Who are you smirking at fuck-boy?" he looked at me shocked that I had stood up to him, "Girls are lining up to date who you call lip, whos lining up for you?" Kyler crossed his arms defensively, "There's no girls after lip anymore, he's gone soft," I just smiled. "There's no point in talking to the air-head anyway, enjoy getting your ass kicked," I walked back to the others and looked at Eli. "He's right," he mumbled. I grabbed his hand, "No Eli, he's not, you can do anything, I'm always in your corner," He just looked down, "Hey, you know, I think we could give it a go again," his head shot up. "Really?" I nodded and kissed him, he happily kissed back. We stopped when he got called to the mat, I kissed his cheek, "you got this," I whispered in his ear. He walked up to Sensei Larosso, "I know who I am now," He said. "Who are you?" "The guy whose going to win this whole fucking thing." He glanced at me and winked, I blew a kiss at him, he caught it and put it on his chest over his heart. He went to fight and both Sam and Demetri looked at me, "What?" I asked them both and they responded in sync, "Finally," I just laughed and watched Eli fight.

He won and I cheered, he ran back to me and held me in a tight hug, I hugged back joyfully. "I love you," he blurted out then took a breath, "Do you love me?" I smiled and kissed him again, "I never stopped, I love you Eli," this time he kissed me. "Guys, come on, you need to fight Miguel now," Demetri complained. I broke the kiss, "sorry," I pecked his lips, "I believe in you," He kissed my cheek. "Thanks sweatheart," he mumbled and went back onto the map. The fight was very interesting but Miguel tried the flying tornado kick and something in his back hurt badly, I gasped worried for my friend and he was very clearly in pain. Johnny took him to the medical room they have and Eli walked towards us. "I hope he's okay," he said and I nodded, he held out his hand to me so I gave him my hand and he kissed the back of it making me smile. The one minute timer started and we all waited, Eli had to go back into the bounds of the mat as we waited, 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. The time was up which meant that Eli was in the final against Robby.

Eli was getting ready and I went up to him, "Hey, look at me," he looked at me, "remember, you are always my champion," he chuckled. "Damn, I don't need to win this match already have the best prize, you being with me," I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Eli," Sensei called him over and he gave me a loving look then walked to him, "just remember balance, and those points will come," He nodded and walked onto the mat. The first point was quick and won by Robby, "Time out," Eli said, "He was in Myagi-do longer than me, he knows all my moves," I tried to give him a don't give up smile. "And you were in Cobra Kai for longer than him, you both know eachothers styles better than anyone, you put him on defense," Eli nodded and bowed. He got back in there and one the next point I cheered loudly. They started fighting for the next point but they both were blocking eachother so much that they had to go to over time, Eli walked back to us and asked, "Any advice on the last point," Sensei looked at all of us then back at Eli. "Give him all you got," Eli smiled and turned to me, I gave him a thumbs up he chuckled then bowed to the Sensei and walked back to the mat. Before the fight started, Robby threw his top off and gave it to Tory, Eli looked at the ref but he only shrugged, Eli took his off and threw it to me, I caught it blushing. The fight then continued and it was close until Eli gave him a strike to the chest, he had one. I ran onto the mat and threw myself onto him, he hugged me back tightly, spinning me around a little. He let go so he could be given his trophy, he cheered loudly and wrapped his arm around me. He looked at me and kissed me on the mat infront of the whole valley, I kissed back smiling. He really is my champion.

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