Chapter 29: Sam's Confession

Start from the beginning

Sam turned to face Mon, her eyes reflecting a mix of regret and longing. "I should've known that keeping you in the dark would only hurt you more," she murmured, reaching out to gently cup Mon's cheek. "I'm sorry for putting you through that."

Mon leaned into Sam's touch, her eyes fluttering closed at the warmth of Sam's hand against her skin. "I know you had your reasons, Sam," she said softly, her voice laced with forgiveness. "But it still hurt, knowing that you chose someone else over me."

As Sam gazed into Mon's eyes, she began to recount the story of her struggles during her student days. "Back then, I was still finding my footing, trying to navigate through life," she explained, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "My grandmother, she was everything to me. But she started getting weak, and she was hospitalized often."

Sam paused, her memories flooding back with a mixture of pain and determination. "I didn't tell you, Mon," she continued, her gaze turning somber. "You were in England, and I didn't want you to worry. I thought I could handle it on my own."

Mon reached out, gently squeezing Sam's hand in silent support as she listened intently.

Sam's voice wavered as she continued, the memories still vivid in her mind. "The board members... they wanted to kick my grandmother out," she revealed, her tone heavy with bitterness. "They saw her condition as a weakness, an opportunity to seize control of the company."

Mon's eyes widened in shock, her hand instinctively tightening around Sam's. "That's despicable," she murmured, her voice laced with indignation.

Sam nodded, her jaw clenched with anger. "They were ruthless, Mon," she admitted, her gaze hardening with resolve. "They saw my grandmother's illness as a chance to advance their own agendas, without any regard for her well-being."

Sam's voice trembled with vulnerability as she continued her tale. "At first, I didn't agree to marry Kirk," she confessed, her words tinged with regret. "I believed there must be another way, a way to secure my family's share of the company without sacrificing my own happiness."

Mon listened intently, her eyes filled with compassion as she reached out to gently squeeze Sam's hand in reassurance.

As Sam recounted the pivotal discussion with her grandmother, a wave of anguish washed over her. "That conversation... it triggered my grandmother's condition," she confessed, her voice laden with guilt. "The stress of it all, the uncertainty... it was too much for her to bear."

Mon's heart sank as she listened, her own eyes brimming with sympathy for Sam's plight. "You didn't know, Sam," she murmured softly, reaching out to gently brush a tear from Sam's cheek. "You were just trying to do what you thought was right."

Sam nodded, her shoulders heavy with the weight of her remorse. "I thought I was making the best decision for everyone," she admitted, her voice laced with regret. "But I never imagined it would come at such a cost."

She took a shaky breath, her gaze haunted by the memory. "Seeing my grandmother suffer because of me... it was unbearable," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I knew then that I had to do whatever it took to protect her, to protect our family."

Sam's voice trembled as she continued her tale, the weight of her past decisions heavy on her heart. "Because of that, I agreed to the wedding," she confessed, her words tinged with sorrow. "Even though my sister, Neung, disagreed, she couldn't bear the thought of throwing everything away."

Mon's heart sank as she pieced together the timeline of events. "So, that's why you stopped taking my calls," she murmured, her voice tinged with sadness. "You didn't know how to tell me that you were going to marry my high school rival."

Sam nodded, her expression pained. "I couldn't bear to hurt you, Mon," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't know how to face you, knowing that my decision would shatter your heart."

Mon's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from Sam's face. "I understand, Sam," she whispered, her voice filled with compassion. "It must have been so difficult for you... to be torn between your loyalty to your family and your love for me."

Sam nodded, her gaze filled with regret. "I wish things could have been different," she confessed, her voice thick with emotion. "I wish I had been stronger, braver... that I had fought harder for us."

Mon's heart ached as she looked into Sam's eyes, seeing the pain and longing reflected in their depths. "It's not too late, Sam," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "We can still fight for our love, together."

Sam's eyes shimmered with gratitude as she reached out to clasp Mon's hand in hers. "Thank you, Mon," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for still choosing to love me... despite everything."

Mon's heart swelled with love as she returned Sam's gaze, squeezing her hand gently. "I will always choose you, Sam," she vowed, her voice filled with sincerity. "No matter what challenges we face, no matter what obstacles stand in our way, my love for you will never waver."

Tears welled up in Sam's eyes as she leaned in to press a tender kiss against Mon's forehead. "I love you," she whispered, her voice filled with conviction. "More than words can express."

Mon's heart fluttered with joy as she returned Sam's kiss, feeling the warmth of their love enveloping them both. "I love you too, Sam," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Always and forever."

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