chapter 1

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"You little bitch, after all we did for you. And this is how you repay us?!" Mom yelled

"I'm sorry mom!" yelled Luna "Please stop, please stop hurting me!"

So you might be wondering what is going on right now, well as I woke up in the morning to make breakfast for my parents, and once I was done with breakfast. And as I put the plates down I accidentally knocked over a glass of water, which woke up my parents and boy they weren't happy. As my mom stopped hitting me she turned away and went to my dad and whispered in his ear. And he had a sinister smile as he walked towards me, he grabbed my hair and dragged me down the stairs to the basement. He pushed me down to the ground and started to take off his belt and started whipping me with it. 10 minutes later, he was done with me "hurry up and get dressed for school, and make sure to cover up those fucking marks bitch" I waited in the basement until I heard the door open and shut. I slowly got up feeling sore and slowly went up to my room. I took a quick and cold shower since I wasn't allowed to use hot water. And I got dressed.

I grabbed my cell phone and backpack and started to walk to school

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I grabbed my cell phone and backpack and started to walk to school. As I got to the front entrance I heard someone yell my name. "LUNA!!!!!!" I flinched but turned around to see who it was. It was my two best friends Alex and Rose, they both ran up to me hugging me. "Girl, how are you, I missed you this weekend. How come you didn't come to work?" asked Rose "Sorry, I had to deal with my parents" I replied "Did they hurt you again" Alex asked concerned. "I'm fine don't worry about it, how about you guys are you okay" I asked "We're fine, our new foster parents aren't that bad they just yell a lot" Rose said. The bell rang, Alex and I went to our first class together, While Rose went to a band meeting.

The day was just a regular day, until my last class of the day when I heard my name over the intercom. " Luna Gomez , please come to the office "Everyone looked at me as I walked outside the classroom. The next thing I knew I was in front of the principal office I knocked on the door. "Come in" I walked inside the office and I saw two police officers and a young woman. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked nervously " No, Luna please sit down" so I did and he started to talk again. "We just wanted to inform you that this morning your parents got into a terrible car crash. They both died on impact, I'm so sorry for your lost" I sat there in shock. My only parents were dead, I felt slightly relieved but then started to feel guilty for feeling relieved. I started to tear up and looked up and asked "Where will I go "The police officer from behind me finally spoke up " My partner and I will be taking you down to our station and we will see what we can do for you" and  I looked to the women with a pantsuit  and a tight bun and asked "who are you?" " My name is Tanya, and I will be your social worker. I will be driving you down to the station, is that okay with you?" I nodded my head "okay great, let's get going then" I grabbed my back and said goodbye to my principle, I got into Tanya car and I pulled out my phone and texted Alex  and Rose to let them know what was happening. As soon I was done texting with them, we arrived at the station. As we walked in the station the police officers told me to sit down in a chair while they and my social worker went inside a office to talk about what they are going to do with me. After 30 minutes, they came out with a test and swabbed the side of my cheeks. I was confused why they did this, I'm an only child and I don't have any uncles or aunts. After 2 hours sitting in a chair they finally came out with my social worker with a smile on their faces.

"we have great news for you Luna" said Tanya, "we took a DNA test and it turns out your biological parents have been searching for you for 13 years and we called them and they accepted to take you in their home"  Again I sat there in shock, "that means I was adopted or kidnapped from my real family" I asked "yes that's true" she replied  I sat there in silence trying to figure out what the fuck was happening "sweetheart are you okay?" asked Tanya "Yes" I replied 

Luna: "I'm sorry I'm just in shock, how could this happen?" 

Tanya :"We don't know, but the important part is that you are going back home with your real parents" 

"No, I can't. what if they hurt me just like they did" I started to think to myself. "No, I won't let them hurt me this time, no one will ever hurt me again and I'll make sure of that..." 

Hi guys, so If you didn't know my name is Stacy and this is my first book if you could tell. I'm very nervous. I hope you enjoy the first chapter. Once I get enough readers I will update the next chapter. And please if you guys have any suggestions or questions please come and ask me. I will happily answer any questions, and if there is anything wrong with this chapter please let me know, I will fix it.

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