69: 𝑆𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑦 𝑁𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑖𝑎

Start from the beginning

"That's so sadddd."

"Wow. So the whole time Mr Aizawa was talking about that... She sitting in the room? Listening? I don't know if I could have done that."

"She got that spicy nostalgia."

"I was passed between a few organizations. From some sort of black market storage facility to the lair of a gang or something. The entire time I was... I was treated like I wasn't human. Like I was merchandise or an animal." Kira frowned. She couldn't bring herself to look back up.
"My quirk was used in interrogations, I would be tied to whoever they wanted information from so my quirk could pick up on the answers to their questions. The prisoner was beaten until one of us broke. Then after they weren't needed anymore..."

She stopped. She didn't need to say it. She knew that could assume for themselves.

"You were tied to dead people?!"

"After two weeks of being away from home Aizawa found me and returned me to my family. But the damage to both myself and my family had already been done. Not only me, but my father also fell into extreme paranoia. Or rather fear of this happening again. My father researched everything about situations like my own. Trying to figure out a way to keep me completely safe while also allowing me to live a somewhat... Normal, life."
Kira said finally looking up and around.
"He realized that my quirk was the reason I had been taken. And my quirk was still steadily getting stronger and stronger. So he decided that the safest thing to do was to erase my quirk from existence. Take away any evidence that I even had one. Which wasn't difficult because it had only been studied for a month or so. We moved completely and I started a new life. A quirkless one. While everyone thinking I was completely powerless came with it's own hardships it was nothing compared to that of my past. I could deal with the judgment, the bullying and the pitying thoughts far better than I could handle being locked in a cage my whole life. My parents always told me that one day I would be allowed to be honest with everyone about who I was. They promised they'd tell me when I was ready."

She sighed and rubbed her eyes.

"They died in a car accident almost three years ago. Taking my secret with them. After that the only person other than me who knew... Was Eraserhead. And at that point we hadn't seen each other since he took me home. I was completely and utterly alone. I didn't know if I was supposed to ever tell anyone. I stuck with the instincts I had built up over years and I just... Never told anyone. Acting like I was quirkless came easily enough and everyone I was around already thought I was. I never thought I'd work up the courage to tell anyone..."

Kira remembered the fear and horror she had felt when listening to Shigaraki plan the USJ attack. How she had ignored all of her instincts and just rushed in without thinking. Like her body went into autopilot.

Just like how she acted during the attack yesterday. She put her cares about her quirk aside because she knew people were going to die if she stood by and did nothing.

"The morning of the USJ attack I heard the plan in full detail. I had heard bits and pieces before that but I couldn't tell if they were real or not. I left to go to UA and came into contact with principal Nezu. Who believed me. Not even a minute later Iida came through the door. Alerting everyone to the attack. Afterwards I was forced to come clean about my quirk to Nezu and Detective Naomasa. And Nezu offered me the open spot in the hero course. And here I am."

"Wow, we just got the entire tragic backstory."

"Okay so basically because of what happened she has a deep rooted fear in letting anyone know her quirk. But she bypasses this fear when her quirk tells her someone is in danger."

"So can you like... Read all minds?! I mean I'm sorry all that happened to you but... I gotta know."

"So basically the quirkless girl I've known for years wasn't actually quirkless. But... All I know about his is built on that. But that means all I know is wrong. But if all I know is wrong then how am I supposed to know what is right?"

"The only reason I'm sharing this much information about myself to you all is before of the amount of information I have about each of you. My quirk is an information gathering one that literally never stops. I am unable to cut it off or control it. All of your thoughts simply sound like you're speaking it out loud and I just so happen to hear it. In fact as a kid that's what I thought most of the thoughts I heard were. Until I learned to tell the difference."

"So basically what you're saying is right now when you're sitting in this room it sounds to you like twenty people all talking at once?" Mina asked, bamboozled.

"Pretty much yeah. The drawbacks of my quirk are insomnia, headaches, lack of focus and In extreme cases even earbleeds." Kira listed off. "I also struggle when reading or taking tests in class. That's why I wear headphones. To drown you guys out."

"Your headphones are a support item?! I thought they were for aesthetics." Ojirou mumbled. "So I guess you know about my crush on Toru..."

Kira raised an eyebrow. It was actually funny to her. She just said she overheard murder plots, and yet these kids still think she cares about their romantic attractions and petty thoughts.

"Is there anything else?" Iida asked slowly. "That you want to tell us?"

He was shocked, mildly offended but had quickly made his peace with it. Because even though he had thought she was quirkless his entire life. It suddenly made sense that she wasn't.

Kira thought for a moment, sensing the questions that bubbled off their brians. "Well first off obviously I'm not Mr Aizawa's daughter." Kira gestured to the man.

"Yes- I'm sorry people actually think that?" He asked with his eyes squinting and a frown.

"But I am All Might's niece." She admitted.

"ALL MIGHT'S YOUR UNCLE?" Denki gasped, palms against his desk. He made the perfect "surprised Pikachu face" that looked almost exactly like the meme.

"Oh sure just tell everyone now. Yay good for Kira." Midoriya's thoughts were extremely bitter and sarcastic. He was slightly pouting in his chair. Not really liking ANY of this news. Or the amount of attention Kira was getting right now. "She threw me out a window and literally no one cares. I mean sure it was to save my life or whatever. But she could have been nicer."

Kira glared at him and his eyes widened. Covering his head like it could stop Kira from using her quirk.

"Haha but you said your uncle was an asshole... Is All might an asshole?" Kirishima thought, looking up at her innocently.

"All right we should wrap this up. You can all talk later." Aizawa said stepping up. "We haven't even started our lesson yet."

"Sure we have. It was a lesson about me, there will be a pop quiz later on it later in the week." Kris said with a shrug.

"Go sit down." Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Oh and Kira?"

"We're going to be re-intervewing all staff and students throughout this week. We'll need you to attend to make sure there are no more terrorists left in our mists."

"Uh. Won't that take a really long time?" Kira asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Twice as long without your help."

Kira sighed. "Whatever, sir yes sir I guess." She gave him a finger salute and walked back to her seat.


A/N: So as you know... THIS is the chapter I accidentally posted wayyyy before I should have💀 and it was a very horrible experience tbh. 0/10 would not recommend.

But! Now you guys got to read it for real!
You're welcome.

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