Big Bro is Back!

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[Loud House, 6:30]

Lukas entered his house for the first time in 10 years and he was feeling an overflow of nostalgia and took a seat at the uncomfortably comfortable couch. Upon his announcing, the white-haired Lincoln was the first to see him.

He was shocked for seeing a stranger entering his house but was more astonished for hearing his words.

'Mom?! Dad?!' Lincoln was perplexed.

Before he could say anything regarding the subject, Lori began to walk down the stairs.

"Who arrived just now? It sounded that whoever it was has the flu." Lori.

Lori then saw Lukas in the couch as he was browsing for channels on the TV. The eldest brother noticed his grown sister and smiled.

"Lori-Loo! You've certainly have grown, sis!" Lukas spoke excitedly while sitting in the couch.

Lori just dropped her phone and fainted on the spot. Lincoln was gonna try to catch her but Lukas jumped from the couch to the stairs and catched her first, he then proceeded the lay her on the couch.

"Guys! We have a situation here!" Lincoln.

One after another, the siblings began to come down from their rooms.

"What's all the commotion?" Leni.

As Leni said that, her alongside the elder sisters saw their long believed dead brother sitting in the floor besides the couch.

"Yo. Been a long time, hasn't it?" Lukas.

They all fainted on the spot, forcing Lukas to grab all of them and carefully pull them in the floor.

"Ok, can everyone stop being dramatic about this? I was disappeared at best, not dead." Lukas.

"W-well, you have to understand that losing you affected them greatly." Lincoln.

"I get that but there's a thing called moving on. I wasn't expecting the fainting due shock scenario. In fact, I was expecting a tearful reunion with old and new family members." Lukas.

"Sorry, we kinda just found out about you about a month ago." Lola.

"Seriously?! Wow, I guess it DID hurt them more than I thought." Lukas.

"Speaking of that. I require some of your DNA to verify your identity as our eldest sibling." Lisa.

"You must be Lisa, right?" Lukas.

"Indeed I am." Lisa.

"You investigated us?" Lucy.

"I know why you're asking and the answer is no. Pop-Pop spoiler it to me." Lukas.

"So, you didn't know that..." Lucy.

"You're my sister? No." Lukas.

"I'll get my DNA analyzer, please wait for a few minutes." Lisa.

"Kay." Lukas.

As Lisa left, the rest of the Loud siblings surrounded Lukas and bombarded him with questions.

"How old are you?" Lola.

"What's your hobbies?" Lincoln.

"What have you've been doing all these years?" Lucy.

"Do you like mudpies?" Lana.

"BABA!" Lily.

Lukas sweatdropped as he laughed. The siblings remained silent as he stopped laughing.

"Sorry. Is just that... this reminds me of the good old days. Lori would ask me to tag along in whatever activity I was doing, Leni would inquire in my personal life, Luan would prepare a nasty prank, Luna would be Loud and Lynn would be direct and commanding. Good times." Lukas.

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