Chapter 12 ~ Back to normal?

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Cass' POV:

Things had....reasonably gone back to normal. Draco resumed his position at Hogwarts and Mr Abbott promptly removed his children from the school and faced the scrutiny for giving up the best education over a failed case.

It had only taken a few weeks for things to fully calm down and now we were back in full swing of lessons and life.

Narcissa and my mother had kept me busy over the last weekends with wedding planning so i enjoyed the small breaks I fot say in my office at Hogwarts, chatting to Fawkes or whoever cane to visit me.

Hermione had helped me set up a small vivarium for Fawkes on my desk where he could play while i was busy, and it helped for the raint days when he didn't want to go outside. He was young now afterall, he required his exercise.

My students were all doing well, even Cormac despite his missed year from school. He was all caught up with the rest and the entire year had just taken their mock exams which unfortunately meant a lot of marking for me......yay.

"Fawkes, sweetie, there's thunder, you know you can't go out," I cooed at Fawkes as he practically rolled his eyes at me. Ever fiesty as a teen in his Pheonix years.

"Here, would some bubbles make it better?" I offered, conjuring up some bubbles for him to fly around and play with. His vivarium was apparently not good enough for him today but i had a sneaky suspicion he just wanted company.

Fawkes took off around the room popping bubbles as i left my wand casting for a bit.

"Cass?" A familiar voice called out from behind my door.

"Come in, Cormac," I called back to him, looking up from my marking to see him enter.

"What's up?" I asked, gesturing to the seat opposite me.

"Was just wondering how you were doing with the stress of the mocks. It's not healthy for you to get too exhausted," Cormac reminded me. He had been very attentive since finding out i was pregnant, making sure I didn't overwork myself and offering to get supplies for me for demonstrations. It had been a great help as much as I didn't want to admit I needed the help.

"I'm doing alright, my wrist is a bit sore from the writing so I could use a break actually. Do you want something to drink?" I offered, moving to get up but he gestured for me to sit back down and got up himself.

"Two sugars?" He asked me and I noddee, watching as he went to pour us tea with a plate of biscuits.

"So what's the gossip?" I asked Cormac who handed me my cuo of tea before sitting back down opposite.

"Not a lot this week sadly. Pamela Higgles got in trouble with Ron...sorry...Professor Weasley, for stealing a class broom to sneak to the kitchens at night. Oh and there's rumours that Professor Trelawney and Professor Flitwick are dating now," Cormac said the last bit with a look of disgust and I had a feeling the rumours had....probably been confirmed.

"Let me guess, east wing corridor?" I ventured a guess at where he had caught to two professors.

"Yep, and the weird part is....they were just standing staring at each others eyes. Not in a loving way was really creepy," he shuddered at the memory.

"They're both quite odd so I can't say I'm too surprised," I shrugged but the news of them dating sure was delicious gossip.

Fawkes chose that moment to finish woth his bubbles and swoop down to steal a biscuit from Cormac's hand.

"Fawkes!" I told him off but Cormac just laughed.

"It's his," he shrugged and Fawkes looked happy at the pardon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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