Chapter 3 ~ Opportunities

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Amy's party dress ^

Chapter dedicated to my wonderful first reader GetALife102938. Ur pretty cool 😏

Cass' POV:

The party had gone on all night, only drawing to a close around midnight despite it supposed to have been an afternoon party. Everyone had had such a great time and we had given the house elves the next few days off for all the hard work they had done catering non-stop for the elongated party.

I had gone straight to my room once it was over to undress and relax.

McGonagall's offer of a job had kept me buzzing all day and I was excited to properly talk it over with Draco, wondering what opportunity he had been offered.

Fawkes squawked at me as i passed him heading into my bathroom and i turned back around to see he had flown to my window, clearly wanting to go out for a fly. He had rebirthed a few months ago and was very much in his toddler phase, always wanting to play and go flying around.

"Go on then mister, but come back in through the downstairs window that stays open. And be back before it gets too cold!" I warned him, and i swear he rolled his eyes at me. Cheeky bugger.

"Off you go then," I said as i opened the window for him. He hopped around happily before taking flight and i watched as he flew through the garden towards the pond where he enjoyed watching the fish.

"I swear you love that bird like a child," Draco laughed as he entered the room and saw me watching Fawkes out the window.

"Firstly, he's not a bird. And i am very fond of him yes but not sure he's quite a child. He's older than i am," I pointed out.

"Well that leaves some love for our children then," he chuckled.

"Speaking of children, did McGonagall speak to you earlier about an opportunity at Hogwarts?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

He sat on my bed watching me as i closed the window and finished getting changed for bed.

"She did, I assume she mentioned something to you too?" He inquired. Ah, so she hadn't told him my news.

"She fact.....she offered me the potions professor position in the new year," I answered bashfully, not wanting to come across too thrilled but freaking inside.

"Oh my god thats amazing!" Draco grinned, getting up to embrace me.

"Really? You don't think it'd be weird returning to Hogwarts as a teacher right after graduating?" I asked a little hesitantly, sharing my concerms with him.

"You tutored me through our last years as well as some younger years. You were already taking on some teaching roles. I don't think it'd be as big of a change as you think," he reasoned and it did make sense. Because of the circumstances of our final years, nothing had really been too normal anyway.

"What's your news anyway?" I asked suddenly, remembering why we were on the topic anyway.

"She explained there isn't an alchemy position at the moment so it would take time to build a syllabus but she'd be happy to work with me to build that and in the meantime offered me a job as a teaching assistant and cover teacher for the other professors," he said with a giddy grin. He was so adorable.

"That's fantastic! Oh my god that's your dream! Well...the alchemy but this way you'll get teaching practice while you use the time to build the best classes," i beamrd at him and he ran a hand through his hair and laughed a lighthearted laugh.

"I can't quite believe my own luck!" He said softly and i smiled adoringly at him.

"You've earnt this, it isn't luck. You deserve it," I spoke honestly, taking his hand in mine.

You're screwed, Malfoyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें