Chapter 5 ~ Introductions

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*sorry for no update in a while. Ive been in and out of hospital for exhaustion related issues but im back now and bursting with ideas for the story!*

Draco's POV:

The start of term feast had begun and the hall was filled with the chatter of hundreds of students all digging in to their meals. The sorting ceremony hadn't taken too long and the new students seemed to be settling in well at their new house tables.

Cass and I were seated at the professors table and to say the view from up here was different was an understatement. I had always wondered what it'd be like to sit at the large table and the sense of importance that came from it was overwhelming. I could see everything and everyone as they chatted and moved about the room. The ceiling seemed mightier and the high ceiling was in its element. The only downside was my back was now turned away from the beautiful large windows that enveloped the front of the hall that stood behind our table.

"Draco," Cas whispered over to me to catch my attention and i looked over at her. Why she needed to whisper i have no idea, no one was listening to us and it was as loud as an airport in here anyway.

"What's up?" I asked, giving her my full attention. Well....sort of....staring at how stunning she looks is still giving her my attention. Oh shit, did she just say something again?!

"Sorry i didn't catch that," i apologised, gesturing to the room so she would blame the general loudness and not my horny brain. She gave me a knowing look. Caught.

"Do you think I should have prepared a special welcome lesson for students before getting into the syllabus?" She asked as she peered at all the new faces.

"You're the professor Cass, you can start however you want to. Personally i always found welcoming lessons a little tedious. We already got time to meet our classmates so we were ready to learn," I pointed out and she seemed to ease at my words.

McGonagall stood and approached the podium, cutting our conversation short.

"Attention please students. There are a few start of term notices and welcomes to do," she began and the hall went silent.

"First of all, the Forbidden Forest the name implies, strictly forbidden to all students. It is dangerous on the best of days," she warned the signature Hogwarts warning. Ah the memories.

"Secondly, we have three new members of staff starting this year. Firstly, Mrs Narcissa Malfoy who will be aiding Madame Ponfrey in the infirmary wing. She isn't here full time but you will see her around," McGonagall introduced and while mother wasn't here a few students clapped although many whispered when they heard her name. Crap.....this couldn't end well for me then.

"Next is Miss Cassandra Welsh who will be tkaing over from Professor Slughorn as potions professor. Cassandra?" She turned to Cass and indicated for her to stand and wave. The hall applauded excitedly for Cass who seemed to relax knowing she had such a warm welcome.

"And last but not least, our new Defence assistant as well as substitute for other lessons, while he prepares a brilliant alchemy syllabus for us, Mr Draco Malfoy," McGonagall said proudly and i stood as well but no one applauded except the teachers. Instead of welcoming warmth i was met with glares, fear and whispering.

"A warm welcome for our new professor please," McGonagall demanded, clesrly agitated with the room. They obliged and applauded but it was lack luster and died quickly.

"Draco I'm sorry, the tension will ease once they've met you in lessons I'm sure. It's hard not to love you when they get the chance to know you," Cass conforted me as i sat back down and McGonagall turned back to finish her speech. I had totally zoned out the remainder of the speech, my mind still paranoid about the students already not liking me.

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