Chapter 6 ~ A date to remember

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Cass' work clothes ^

Cass' POV:

Remember when I had to convince Draco to help me rescue Luna and ended up giving him an I-owe-u date?
Yeah, me neither. At least not until Draco sauntered into the kitchen this morning while i was making breakfast, and informed me of his date night plans for us tonight. The night after our first day of classes.
Was he trying to kill me?!?!

Just kidding. It was sweet really and any excuse to get out together for a while in a romantic setting. Although we didn't seem to have many issues getting....romantic with each other at home anyway.

Draco had the first day of classes off work as he wasn't needed to sub or assist with anything, so he decided to spend it making date preparations instead of starting the alchemy syllabus.

"Have a great day today," Draco kissed me on the cheek as i came down the stairs ready for work.

"I will, i can't wait for tonight. What should i wear though? Can I go in this?" I asked, looking dowm at my work outfit. It was simple but cute.

"I'll get something laid out for you when you get back," Draco promised with a wink and I could only imagine what sort of inappropriate outfit he had in mind.

"Ok.....but my tits have to be covered if we are going out in public," i warned him, half joking and half knowing he'd try.

"Dammit woman! Fine, fine. Now go, i need to start making plans and your cute face has me all distracted," he smirked as he spoke and it made me blush. He still had such a strong effect on me.

"Can't look away?" I teased and he snorted.

"Can't get it to shut up!" He laughed and I hit him on the shoulder playfully. Jackass.

"I'll see you later if i plan to ever return after that," I joked, grabbing my bag and entering thr living room.

"Like you could stay off this dick forever!" He called from the kitchen just as I said the floo flames destination, causing me to appear in McGonagalls office red faced and flushed.

"Are you alright dear?" McGonagall asked as she saw me arrive.

"Yes, sorry. Draco just said something........odd when I left," I said sheepishly, hoping she'd let it go.

"Knowing that boy, i don't want to know," she answered with a chuckle and I nodded with a laugh of my own. He really had an infamous reputation.

I made my way to my classroom, running a couple minutes late and entered to see all my students sat waiting.

I had a final year class first, which included Cormac, but at least it meant I could get the hardest syllabus out of the way first.

"Good morning, students," I greeted them as i placed my things down on the desk at the front. I was greeted in return with the average dulcit tone of students who didn't want to he awake at 8am. Me neither neither.

"We have a few key potions to master for your final exams and as it's going into the autumn/winter months some of thr ingredients will be harder to come across than others. So we will instesd be beginning with one of the later potions as its ingredients are readily available this time of year," I began, writing thr name of the potions we will be covering on the board and circling the Amortentia potion we would begin with.

"Now a lot of these potions can be dangerous and so if i feel there is any behaviour that could cause a problem or danger to any of us, you will be removed from the classroom," I warned the students and a few of them gulped. Good. There was no room for messing around with such dangerous ingredients about.

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