Part 7 ☆

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{Logan + Patton part!}

It was a cool, Saturday night. Roman was out with his brother, and Virgil was out with his friend Remy, probably committing some kind of crime. 

This left Patton and Logan home alone. It was nice, and Pat loved having time alone with Logan. They usually only had time alone by coincidence when the other two are out doing things as Pat got nervous about asking Logan to hangout. You see, Patton loved his other two roommates, but he loved Logan a little bit more. Okay, maybe a lot more. But he loved him in a different way. A special way. A way he wouldn't ever dare tell him. 

Everything about Logan fascinated him. From the way he would mindlessly share fun facts no one but Pat gave a fuck about, to the way he would walk out of the bathroom after a shower with wet hair and a loose tie. He had Pat absolutely infatuated with him, and he didn't even know it. 

Like right now as Logan sat on the couch reading a book and absentmindedly running his fingers through his hair, Pat watched him from the kitchen, sighing softly. His type is definitely nerdy guys. 

Pat got nervous around Logan, but he would never pass up an opportunity to spend time with him alone and now was the perfect time. They're alone, it's a beautiful night, and Pat would give anything to see Logan's perfect complexion basked in the warm hues of the sunset, and then the cool reflection of the moon. 

He got up and walked over to the couch, sitting next to Lo. "Hi." he said sweetly; simply. 

Logan looked at him, putting his bookmark between the pages of his novel before setting his book aside. "Hm? Hello." 

Pat smiled involuntarily, fidgeting with the threads on his shirt. "Are you busy?" 

"Not necessarily...?" Logan said cluelessly. 

Pat's smile just widened.  "Well would you like to get ice cream? We can go to the book store after, my treat." He watched Logan's face for any kind of reaction or dislike or anything negative whatsoever. Boy was he hard to read. 

"That- Yeah, that would be nice. Allow me a moment to grab my coat and we can go." 

Pat simply nodded, his smile brighter than ever as Logan stood to gather his things. He went to his room to grab his own coat, but also to stim and jump happily, more excited than ever. Sure, it's just ice cream and books, but it's so much more than that to him. 

They walked alongside each other down the side walk. They live within walking distance of both the ice cream shop and the bookstore, so driving wasn't necessary. Plus, walks are just nice. 

"So what kind of ice cream are you gonna get?" Pat asked cheerily. "Butter pecan." Logan answered, looking over at Pat as they walked, raising an eyebrow as pat giggled. "What?" he asked. Pat shook his head, "Nothing, it just... suits you." Logan chuckled. He didn't quite understand what Pat meant, but he found it humorous regardless. "Alright well what kind of ice cream do you plan on getting?" After careful consideration, Pat shrugged. "I dunno, something I've never tried before." 


They soon returned home from the bookstore, Logan immediately putting his new book on his bookshelf. Pat put his coat away before settling into the couch, Logan sitting beside him. 

Pat smiled softly, "I had fun tonight." 

Logan returned his smile, "As did I... I wouldn't mind spending more time with you... I mean, I don't mind Virgil, and Roman gets on my nerves, but you're nice to talk to. I know I can talk a lot but you seem to actually be interested in everything I have to say, unlike most people." He gave a slight chuckle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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