Part 6

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Roman was stressed, to say the least. The dinner with his parents was in a week and he still didn't have a date. He could have just told them he didn't have a date, but that wouldn't have ended well. 

Roman has never had a great relationship with his parents. His dad is a lawyer and his mom is a surgeon. They've always had high expectations for Roman, too high. Roman isn't stupid but his talents lie outside of school and academics. He and his parents got along fine until Roman got into school. He was always right with, or slightly behind his classmates. He had trouble focusing and couldn't read well without the words and letters jumbling together. He would try to explain this to his parents as they scolded him for getting Bs or Cs, rather than straight As on his report cards, but their response was always the same. They would say that hes making excuses for not trying and simply being lazy. The same conversation, the same argument, at every single report card. Despite their constant disapproval and discouragement, Roman didn't rebel like most kids might have (which you can't say the same about his batshit crazy brother). He tried harder despite his involuntary limitations. He craved their pride and approval, which put a strain on him and how he processed stress as he grew and matured into an adult. 

To make matters worse, his parents' constant belittling went beyond his academic abilities. They're traditional people. They got married in a church when they were young and, considering their traditional right wing views, they expect their son to do the same. Considering this, you can imagine how they reacted when Roman came out. You think they yelled and maybe even threatened to kick him out, right? Wrong, surprisingly. They just... denied it. "You're not gay sweetie, you're young and you just need to find the right girl and then you'll be in love and get married. Now, let's not talk foolish, okay?", is all they had to say. (Believe it or not, Roman never found the right girl.) 

The tension between Roman and his parents is stronger than ever as he speaks to his mother over the phone, making a pot of coffee in the process. "Yes I know, I haven't forgotten about dinner... I know... y-yeah I have a date- mom I'll have to call you back my service is messing up." He lied before promptly hanging up the phone, not giving his mother a chance to say anything else, and taking his coffee to the couch. He sat down next to Patton who was enjoying a cup of tea.

"Good morning, kiddo." Patton was wearing a snuggie that had a pattern all over it with dog bones and puppy paws. He wasn't wearing his glasses, and his hair was still messy from sleep. 

"G'mornig Patton.... did you sleep okay?" Roman said, just trying to make conversation.

Patton nodded. "Yeah, I slept good... how are you doing, by the way? Y'know with the dinner with your parents. Have you found a date yet?" Roman sighed softly and shook his head. Of course he hasn't found a date. "Nope... I was thinking about trying Tinder honestly, but most people on Tinder aren't there to go on a date with someone to meet their parents and we don't really have time to get to know each other before it and- and I don't have any friends who are free and-" Roman was stressed and it showed. It really showed. 

"Woah hey, hey, calm down kiddo, it's okay... me and Lo are both busy but I'll talk to Virge for you, okay?" Patton said with a reassuring smile. Roman looked at him hopefully. "You'd do that?" 

Patton nodded. "Of course; no promises though," he stood up, making his way to the kitchen. "Breakfast?" 


Later that day, Patton made dinner for everyone and was finishing up just as Virgil walked through the door, returning home from Janus' house. 

"Whatcha making? Smells good." Roman and Logan were in their rooms so Virge went right into the kitchen where Pat is, setting his bag on the counter. "Alfredo, you're here just in time." Virge nodded, barely hiding his excitement as a pasta enthusiast. "Sweet, thanks." He took his plate as Patton handed it to him. 

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