Part 2

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Virgil's POV

{A few days later}

knock knock...... knock knock.....  "Virge you awake kiddo? Roman is here to check out the room, you should come meet him!"

I reluctantly pull myself away from my peaceful dream state and back into reality; why does Patton have to wake me up so early just so I can meet the theatre geek? It's at times like these where I wish I could just slip into something more comfortable..... like a coma

"Viirrgggeeee, you awwaaaakkeeee?" Jesus Christ, can he not wait a second for me to wake up?

"Why do you always have to wake me up so early?" I mumble out, unsure if he had even heard be before he replied just seconds later

"Early? It's 2:00 pm V" 2:00 pm; exactly my point

"Yeah, early, as I just said." Grumbling and standing up, I dread the inevitability of having to meet this boy. 

Something in the back of my head is telling me that it won't be so bad... like yknow, maybe I'll become friends with this guy and life will be better with him here... despite these thoughts being in my own head, I don't believe them for a second. I mean, why would I?

Thoughts spiral through my head as I put jeans and a hoodie on over my onesie, quickly hiding anything in my room that could be even slightly seen as little gear before going out to the living area and taking a seat on the couch.

Listening carefully, I can hear his voice from the other room. He sounds..... cheerful. But not the Patton kind of cheerful, more like the cocky Disney prince kind of cheerful. Aka, fucking annoying.

It's going to be hard to not be a dick the entire time he's here today but I have to try. Not because of my morals or anything but simply because I know that Pat will probably make me cookies if I'm nice enough and well, cookies are amazing.

I hope he makes chocolate chip cookies too, or double chocolate... or maybe he'll make brownies. Or cupcakes. Or maybe even-


Flinching and practically jumping out of my seat, I turn and look at Pat, "What??"

"You were spacing out for a second there, you okay kiddo?" It takes me a second to process his question, simply nodding in response.

I was about to say something else but my eyes were drawn away from Patton and to the hallway as Prince Charming himself walked out and what do you know, he is exactly what I imagined.

Roman is undeniably attractive. Soft brown hair, lightly tanned skin, gorgeous green eyes. He could pull any girl he could ever want.... well if it wasn't for the fact that he is obviously gay. With the outfit and the rainbow bracelets I'll be genuinely surprised if he ends up being straight. It doesnt matter to me though considering his cocky attitude immediately makes me have negative feelings towards him. He's probably a total dick. His smile is so cute though- No. Brain. We are not doing that thing where I fall for a guy right off the bat just because he is seemingly nice. He is cocky and he is a dick.

Deciding to not live inside my own head for once, I gaze at Roman as he extends his hand out to me. "Hey, I'm Roman, Prince for short." What the fu- "You seem to be the only one I haven't met yet and my god, you look like a walking hottopic." he chuckled at his own joke, making me have to resist the urge to roll my eyes (just for the sake of Pat making me cookies.)

Sighing and hesitantly shaking his hand, I say "My name is none of your bu-" cookies "Virgil. My name is Virgil."

Roman chuckled, "You're silly. Anyways, I really like the room, it's very clean and decently sized so I think....."

I stare at the floor and drown out Roman's conversation with Logan and Patton because I mean, what happens happens. The only thing on my mind right now are the delicious cookies in my near future.

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