Part 4

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About two weeks or so after Roman came by to check out the apartment, he had made his decision and would be moving in today.

Patton was ecstatic, Logan just cared about having help with bills and Virgil...

Virgil could verbally say that he couldn't care less about Roman moving in but in reality, he was scared.

No, Roman wasn't typically scary or intimidating to well... anyone. I mean come on, he was a Disney obsessed adult, how could that be any kind of scary?

'Because he's too loud.' thought Virgil. 'He's too loud and... just over the top and he just... I don't know... he looks judgmental...'

Yikes... clearly, Virgil is very anxious about today, nearly shaking even, and what do you do when you're scared and anxious? That's right! You lock yourself in your room and talk to nobody ever... or at least until the cause of your anxiety and fear ceases existence.

Despite Virgil's golden rule of avoiding everyone via the lock on his bedroom door, today he decided to leave the apartment completely and go to his friends house.

"Who is Virgil's friend?", you may ask. Well he goes by many names, Janus, JJ, Deceit, Deedee, etc. but most people just call him a liar.

"Why do they call him a liar?", you may ask as an annoying follow up question. Well people call him a liar... because... because he's a liar... it's pretty self explanatory. He lies a LOT. Usually not on purpose and he doesn't lie to Virgil; usually the only time he "lies" to V is when he talks in riddles or is just purposefully incredibly unclear in his wording. Some would call the riddles and incoherency lying but Janus calls it clever word play.

Janus' "word play" aside, Virgil was glad that the snake like man didn't have work today because, believe it or not, Janus was basically Virgils temporary caretaker as Virgil was, of course, incredibly single and Janus was his closest friend.

Despite how glad Virgil was to see his friend, and despite the fact that he had planned on spending the night with Janus, halfway through the day he got a text from happy pappy Patton.

Popstar: Hey kiddo :3

Virgil sighed, already feeling the inevitable disappointment of what's to come weighing on him.

V: hi
Popstar: Roman is officially moved in!!! andddddd we all want to have a movie night... but it wouldn't be the same without u 🥺
V: so u want me to come home
V: do I even have a choice
Popstar: well of course u have a choiceee
V: no I dont
V: I'll come home just so that you'll stop bothering me but you have to make me cookies
V: and cupcakes

Virgil left Patton on read, respectfully, sighing and packing his things.

Janus raised a questioning brow, "Leaving so early? I thought you were staying the night... it is my only day off y'know"

"Well Patton wants me home for a movie night and... well you know how he can be..."

With a sarcastic eye roll and soft sigh, Janus drove Virgil home, the drive to Virgil's apartment being just as silent as the drive to Janus' had been. Janus had nothing to say and Virgil was much too anxious to say any of the many, many thoughts racing through his mind. His anxiety makes him regress more than any other positive or negative influence so who knows what kind of incoherent baby babble may spew out if he attempted to say something of importance... or well, anything for that matter.

On a positive note, however, Virgil did manage to mutter a quiet "bye bye" as he got out of Janus' car once he had parked in front of Virgil's apartment.

little emo (prinxiety)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora