Part 1

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Virgil's POV

Another roommate? Are they insane? It's hard enough for me to be living with them two now as it is. Don't get me wrong, I consider them my friends 'n all but they're both so..... extra.

This is terrible. What in the name of Gerard Way are they thinking? It's like they want me to die

They might think that this will be great but this is nothing but an obstacle to me considering through my 19 years of hell- um..... of living, I've come to the realization that there's no point in making friends with anybody because 9.99 times out of 10, it'll backfire. Whoever your supposed friend is will end up being fake and will end up hurting you. I'm already pushing my luck with the three friends I have now so it goes without saying that the best thing for me to do about this new person moving in is to..... immediately become best friends with them...... pfft, lol, no. I need to avoid them at all costs. It's the only thing I can do to bypass getting hurt again.

I'm jerked out of my thoughts by my phone dinging with a text from none other than my dad-like roommate and friend, Patton.

Popstar: hiya kiddo

Popstar: just so yah know, we've got a worthy contender to be our new roommate :p his name is romannnn and he's going to school to do theatre

Roman? What in the fairy tale- I- he even sounds like a theatre geek

Virge: he sounds like a disney prince wannabe pat but it's up to you ofc idrc

Popstar: omgosh- one of the things he said in the email was that he's obsessed with disney, you're really good at reading people virge

Popstar: anyyyywaaaayyyyssssss we'll probably end up saying yes to him since hes the 1st person to ask us about the room

Isn't that just wonderful, a theatre geek moving in.... I love theatre n all but I can already tell that he's going to be loud and if there's one thing I'm not a fan of, it's loud people

Virge: ok... i have school stuff to do pat.... ttyl

Popstar: okayyy!! ttyl virge :PP

Setting my phone down, I sigh softly. Me having school stuff to do may or may not have been a lie...... but in my defense, I want to take a nap and be little which I can't do if there's the possibility of one of them walking in on me and seeing me and finding out my secret, that'll make them hate me more than they probably already do. Buttt, I know that they won't bother me if they think I'm doing work so lying was worth it.... God, I sound like Janus.

After sneaking into the kitchen, I grab one of those mini bottles of apple juice from the fridge before rushing back to my room, closing and locking the door.

A small sigh slips through my lips as I pour the juice into one of my sippy cups. I think back to Roman.... just the name is obnoxious.

Y'know, I really hope he's not nearly as annoying as his name and supposed disney obsession let on because

Dear god

I will go absolutely insane..... or simply die from constant panic attacks, whatever works. 

A/N: soooo first chapter :3 it kinda sucks but it's okay considering my writing skills in general lol. anyyyyywwwaaayyysss idk if there's any errors bc i didnt really look through it very thoroughly butttt if there are errors then ill just fix them later  

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