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Tom's view:

We ended up staying late at Judy's. Those girls are becoming best friends. They pretty much ignored me and were talking and laughing.  I just laughed at them and sat and played with Jake. I told Jake his mommy was being mean to me.

I'm happy for the both of them. The short time I've known Alyssa she seems lonely. I know that she has Jordan, but he's busy and out of town a lot, and I know that Alyssa doesn't seem to have any close friends. That are girls I mean, I get why she has tried to protect herself from trusting a girl to be her friend, after the one that was her best friend slept with her boyfriend in high school.

That is a brutal betrayal. 

Judy doesn't have any friends, that live here. Just us guys. She came here for police academy and then stayed and works with just males and there's really no chance for her to meet girls to be friends with. The sad thing is I know it's bothered Judy because there have been many times on cases that Judy has really connected with some girls, and became friends, for the case, and the sad thing is she feels that they could have been real friends, but no chance because we just use these kids for information to solve the case. Then we are gone.

I'm glad to see these two girls connect, and if it means that I am ignored, it's fine. They had me laughing a few times just laughing at them laughing.

I think these two are a lot alike.  They both are romantics at heart, believe in true love, your one true love that lasts forever, commitment marriage, romance, sex, all go hand in hand, you don't have one without the other. So they are both excited at planning the perfect fake romance.

I have heard so many hey how about we have you have a cute meeting that goes like this, they had us meeting at the farmer's market, downtown, at a museum, at a concert, at the store, at the deli, at the diner, at the studio, walking her dog. 

I think they decided on we would meet by Alyssa walking her dog. Judy said it was a way to stick it to Rob because Rob got her the dog.

This is going to be one hell of a fake romance when these two girls get this going. I am going to be feeling pressure to live up to this and become the best boyfriend. I want Alyssa to want me to be her boyfriend when this is over. I'm hoping that this will help convince her I can be.

One thing that is bothering me, I keep thinking about, is her words to me, you don't believe in love so are you okay with this plan.  It shouldn't hurt me that she said that, because I'm the one who told her that. But I'm in love for the first time with this girl, so it hurts.

I keep thinking what if she doesn't want me because she thinks I'm against love, and against commitment. What if she never gives me a chance because I told her that I never wanted marriage, or how I never had lasting relationships. Why did I tell her all that stuff.

I know I am paying attention to everything Alyssa says that she thinks would be romantic, and I will try and do them all. I know that it's crazy, but I think I would do anything this girl would ask me to do.

Maybe if I make a note of all the things, she listed that is romantic to her, and I do them when this guy is caught the case is over, then maybe she will believe I've changed, and I do want love. I'm hoping it impresses her.

I'm going to kill Booker. It's just the question of when. If he keeps up his days may be numbered.

We get to the meeting with everyone. Adam changed his mind and decided that it would be after hours and he would supply pizza, and beer and pop for Alyssa.

Alyssa and I get there, of course, Doug, Harry, Booker all excited to see her. Booker flirting with her.

Then when Adam and Jordan explain the plan, Booker of course has to voice his opinion. 

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