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Tom's point of view:

This has been the worst week. Everything has gone wrong.

Doug and I were on a drug case. We had been undercover for a few weeks in this high school. We were getting really close to getting in with the guys that we think are involved.

We felt like we were running out of time. We needed to find out who is selling this stuff. It was hard core drugs. Several kids have overdosed, but luckily for them, their friends were able to get help for them and the paramedics were able to save their life.

But it's only a matter of time, before someone died. We had been hanging out with the guys who were helping sell the drugs, but it was taking too long for them to trust us to let us in on the action.

We were hanging out at one of the boy's houses. All of us in his group. This kid was rich. Drove expensive cars, he's 16 and the car he is driving probably would take my whole lifetime of salary to pay. It pisses me off rich kids like that. That have everything given to them.

We had figured out he was the leader of the group, and he was the one who was getting the drugs from his boss and selling them to the kids around school, and at parties. Now all we needed to do is find out who the big boss is, because he is the one, we want to bust.

But we were not prepared for the bombshell that hit us. When we were at his house, hanging out watching a game on tv, and then at halftime they are interviewing the mayor, and one of the kids said Hey bro there is your dad. I looked at Doug, and we knew that this investigation just got a whole hell of a lot more troublesome for us.

We called Adam right after we left, and asked him to meet us at the chapel to fill him in. Ask him how he wants us to handle this?

Adam told us to proceed like we would any other case. What I wasn't expecting was to be betrayed by the girl I was dating.

When I say dating, I mean casually. More like dinner, beer, and a hookup. It's not just a hook up, but I didn't care about her at all. I've had several girlfriends, but I've never been in love. And none of my relationships last. They start off good, but then after a few weeks they drive me crazy, and I try and act like a jerk so that the girl dumps me. I just hate to be the one to hurt them. I mean I'm a nice guy, and I don't enjoy dumping girls. But I don't want them getting serious about me. I will never fall in love. Or want the marriage, kids thing. It's just not me.

. She was pretty, but not what I would call hot. We didn't get off to a good start, when I met her at Doug's house. She is a ADA, and he had to work with her on a case, and I guess his girlfriend Dorothy was afraid that he was hot for this girl, so he wanted to prove to her that he wasn't, so he asked me to do him a big favor and come over to his house for a dinner with this girl. I told him no I don't do blind dates, but he looked pitiful, and was starting to beg me to help him out, and said it is just one dinner.

When I got over there, she started in on bad police, and the mistakes cops make and that pissed me off. I left and then saw her a few days later at the bowling alley, and we talked, and then she didn't seem so bad.

But we are two different types of people. We see the world differently. And I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She made it very clear that her goals were to work her way up to the top. I just didn't know that she was going to throw me under the bus and betray me to get to the top.

Like I said Adam had told us to go ahead with our case. No matter what, do our jobs. Doug and I were relieved. But then I made the mistake of telling Jackie and she tried to talk me out of staying on the case, said it was going to ruin my career, next thing I know Adam is calling us in his office, telling us we are to pull out of the case, the mayor's orders. But Doug and I were telling him how we were so close, and if we don't catch the guy who is selling this junk some kid is going to die. 

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